BLOWFISH BO2K PLUGIN Author: talis contact: What: a 16 round full stength blowfish algorithm plugin for the bo2k windows network based administration tool. Why: Blowfish is a fast,(relatively) secure public encryption algorithm published by Bruce Schneier, of Counterpane systems(go to - it's a great site for people interested in crypto). It has received signifigant perusal by the crypto community (including various cryptanalysis attack contests)and is generally regarded as a secure algorithm. It is a 64bit block cipher and it supports keylength sizes from 32 bits up to 448bits. It is also unpatented. Counterpane claims (i haven't done benchmarking, but i'd assume they have) that Blowfish is signifigantly faster than IDEA or DES. As for why the bo2k plugin? i support the idea of a free, secure, availible administration tool for the windows operating system. I hope that this grows the availible knowledge for the next time someone wants to write a plugin. I want bo2k to be a great free replacement for some of the commercial tools i'm forced to use. I want it to run everywhere, to be able to control everything. How: the blowfish plugin uses symetric keys, so what you need to do is load the plugin on the server, add the key, then load it up in the client, and add the same key there. this will allow encrypted communications between client and host using blowfish. Keys must be at least 4 characters and no more than 56. should be able to use any 8 bit char type for keys(or as windows provides, not sure if it supports higer bit ASCII) Thanks: Dildog - giving away a fantastic product and source Maw~ - giving away IDEA plugin source CDC crew - demonstrating how all software should be released Fusion-Solutions Crew - hosting the Blowfish Plugin and being cool guys Bruce Schneier - Great Talk at Defcon 7, made me want to write this. CHANGELOG: Aug 2, 1999 - bo2k Blowfish plugin Released Aug 3, 1999 - version 1.1 released enforces 32-448bit keysizes allows 448bit keysizes (previously only had 360 bit keysize) made key routines (get and set) truly symetric per note from Dildog made the dll a little bit smaller(a few K). updated this document