02/02/16 - v0.12 - minimal speedup in the final swap parts of the cipher - padding in BlowfishSimple is now done according to RFC 2630, yet still backwards compatibe to output of older versions - renamed BlowfishCbc class to BlowfishCBC - all void class functions now return a self reference instead - for clarity some methods are now declared as new - namespaced the module as Blowfish_NET - added a makefile to build the assembly and the test program 01/06/28 - v0.11 - increased the speed by 26% (optimized code, thanks go to the MS C# team and Dr GUI) 01/06/21 - v0.10 - sources converted to .NET Beta 2, they won't compile under Beta 1 anymore (changes made only in BlowfishSimple.cs, output should be compatible to the old version) 01/06/07 - v0.09 - adjusted the benchmark - some typos in the comments 01/05/20 - v0.08 - fixed ugly bug in Blowfish.Encrypt() and Blowfish.Decrypt(), using start indexes other than zero caused a crash - some documentation issues were solved - new and powerful BlowfishSimple class 01/05/14 - v0.05 - new BlowfishCbc class for encryption/decryption in CBC mode - XML documentation comments for the whole source code - some methods in the class Blowfish became virtual - extended BlowfishTest 01/05/12 - v0.01 (first release)