Improvements still TO DO : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Add other crypto systems may be added. 2 - Add UU/XX encode/decode routines, and TEA routines (stronger than DES). 3 - Create a Multi-Password Manager system. 4 - Create a Menuing system to ease usage. 5 - Making a nice Help System to explain all the fuzz about crypto-stuff. 6 - Make the move to LINUX and the silly Windoze (stable or not). 7 - Getting some $$$ from all the work i'll be doing by then... Have a suggestion? I would like to ear about! Cordially, Dutra Lacerda P.S.: Other things i would like: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X - To see again a free Timor with the survivors of theyr holocaust. Done! Finnaly the most agressive nation on earth and allied of Indonesia has changed it support thanks to the usuall (not this time) manipulated public opinion. 2 - To see the politicians, and the others, following the Dodo... Much more dificult, has it need some sanity in the world instead of propaganda about fake-democracies. These, under the cover, follow Nazi ideals of CONTROL as an answer against their inability to be sain and society with them. Like the nazis they are AFRAID of freedom and compensate with the need of CONTROL. And they don't even notice it... 3 - To Wake up in the morning and know i can trust... One day, one day... <--- End of File --->