Hello! Since there are no need for docs, this read-me file should do it. TIPS ~~~~ 1 - Compress you file BEFORE encrypting it, if you will want to have the benefit of compression. Encrypted files are NOT compressible... So do-it BEFORE! An Extra benefit is that compressors are also archivers so you will place a lot of files in one smaller ciphered file 2 - Use LONG passphrases, since the security of a Good crypt algorithm depends on the passphrase and its length. This program can have passphrases up to 576 bits !!! 3 - To increase even further your passphrase safety you may then COMPRESS your files. Compressed files are very much like encrypted files except for the header, but even if BLW-CBC hadn't be implemented the in CBC mode the result would still be VERY effective! 4 - The original file is still on your disk... If that is NOT in your idea, then use Norton Utilities to Erase the file and every non used disk space... You may have data residues somewhere on the disk, and certainly on RAM. 5 - Your Computer MAY not be safe SO your typing MAY be loged. ==> IT'S UPON YOU THESE SECURITY CIRCUMSTANCES. WARNING ~~~~~~~ It is possible to create a Quantum Computer that solves a crypto problem. It may already exist, and probably does... MEANING: Pure mathematical cipher, no matter how powerful, like the case of RijnDael (alias: AES) SOLUTIONS: a) Use a less powerful Cipher but with random PBoxes, like Blowfish or Blowfish based like Cobra or DNA-Blowfish. b) Use a COMPRESSOR like RAR, ARJ, ZIP or LHA ... to hide your info will be inside, protected and you will also save valuable disk space. The ideal would be to have streamed compressed data with NO references to the method or filenames inside... just like random data... HOME ~~~~ You can get updates ... ... going to my site in http://planeta.ip.pt/~ip200075/ or ... going trough my Site Alias as http://www.factor-h.com/ CREDITS ~~~~~~~ The author of the Blowfish algorithm (not this code) can be reached through http://www.counterpane.com/ The author of this Units (this code) can be reached through http://www.factor-h.com/ MOTIVATION ~~~~~~~~~~ Mankind is usually seen as a child. Childs need education while they grow and as they grow to become healthy adults. Therefore communication and privacy are important subjects. Usually because there's no growth without individuality or cooperation. A different strategy to deal with childhood is control but with it's static nature results in negating growth. But Mankind, like its individuals, is more than an evolved variation of insect societies. Civilizations are more like individuals... and they also suffer the same problems... ... Cryptography is a way to keep privacy, protect information and, as a result, to enhance individuality and cooperation and also to be a reference to the ownership of thoughts. Anyone trying to prohibit this privacy/ownership is simply saying: "*I* do not authorize *YOU* to think/say/own those informations" OR "You are a child and I'm YOUR tutor"... ... We hope that the seekers of control understand that "Peace can not be obtained by control but by Respect + Education, not twisted by propaganda, and by respecting and enhancing respect for Human Dignity... above all easy words. ... This 20th was one of technological growth but that was all there was to see... Old recipes where used to new problems like the old "Bread and Circus" formula and the result was not a very good one... The lack of growth in mankind terms can only be seen as a result of a bad strategy... One that calls to harden positions... not to solve the problem. ... Creating a world as a mix of "1984", "Brave New World" and "RollerBall" (the movie) does not seems, at least to me, a solution to anything... It seems more to be a new problem. The inertia of Human Toughs is huge. This is usually reflected by pride and illusion. As when someone say to justify it's errors: - "We are the good guys" Obviously this is an invitation to all sorts of crimes and to extremize the problems and, again, creating new ones. The real reason to such behavior may be: - "Pride, Fear and Stupidity" ... Stupidity because being on the top doesn't make the World a safer place for nobody. ... But in the end we are all responsible for we accepted this "modus vivendi" and a twisted, and also sterile, view over our reality... and thus maintain it! In other terms: - It become our virtual-reality, reflected and feed by the Media as measure, and mean, of our acceptance! Thus we are called, not to react, but to wake up. To make a U-turn and look to the Essentials... To search for the lost TRUE values. They are more and more evident as their absence becomes more painful. ... Those are the reasons for spreading this little program. Now go outside and look the sky ! Search the good stars. Cordially, Dutra Lacerda --- [E-Mail] dutra.lacerda@mail.telepac.pt [Alternate] dulac@ip.pt [Home-Page] http://planeta.ip.pt/~ip200075/ [Alias] http://www.factor-h.com/ --- TagLine: Usually the Solution is part of the Problem. ---