Declassifying Skipjack The NSA has declassified Fortezza. Specifically, they declassified Skipjack (a symmetric block cipher) and KEA (a public-key key-exchange algorithm). SHA-1 (hash function) and DSA (digital signature algorithm) are also part of Fortezza, but they were already public. They didn't do this to help industry, or to help cryptographers, or to help anyone. They did it to help themselves; they did it because they had to cover for a mistake. DMS (Defense Messaging System) is a classified system for computer messaging; e-mail, more or less. DMS uses Fortezza PCMCIA cards for security. Since some of the Fortezza algorithms were classified, Fortezza cards have all the physical controls and tamper-resistance features needed to protect classified algorithms. Within the DMS protocols there is no way to have multiple cipher suites. S/MIME, for example, defines multiple algorithm suites. There is a flag in the S/MIME message that tells the recipient which algorithms were used to encrypt that particular message. DMS has no such feature; only the Fortezza algorithms work in DMS. The problem arose because the NSA couldn't install Fortezza cards and readers fast enough. I don't know if they were too expensive (they are expensive), if they couldn't ramp production up fast enough, or if installing the infrastructure (PCMCIA card readers and etc.) was too big a problem. I'm sure they counted on PCMCIA readers being ubiquitous in computers. Whatever the cause, most people who needed to be on DMS did not have working hardware. If they could set up an alternate algorithm suite within DMS, then they could have released a software-only version with unclassified algorithms: triple-DES, Diffie-Hellman, etc. Each endpoint would know whether it was communicating with a Fortezza-enabled DMS system or a software-only DMS system, and the problem would go away. But DMS could not support this; it's Skipjack/KEA or nothing. So they had to either turn off encryption, or put the classified algorithms into software. Once you do that, you might as well declassify. The government's public rationale is simply making a virtue out of necessity. So, what's Skipjack? Skipjack is a 64-bit symmetric block cipher with an 80-bit key. It was used in the Clipper program, but it has not built-in key escrow. (Key escrow was part of the key exchange mechanism, not the data encryption.) It's a high-risk algorithm, meaning that there was a high risk of compromise. Hence, the NSA is unlikely to put its most secret (or clever) design elements in the algorithm. Its performance is good. Slower than Blowfish and some of the AES submissions, it's still about twice as fast as DES on 32-bit microprocessors. It's fast on smart cards, and efficient in hardware. It also has no key setup time. If it weren't for the small 80-bit key, I'd consider Skipjack for my own applications. Skipjack is interesting primarily for its design. This is the first NSA-developed algorithm we've ever seen. Cryptography is an adversarial science. Someone designs an algorithm; I break it. I design one; someone else breaks it. This is how we learn. Skipjack is a good target; it is an algorithm designed using secret methodologies by an organization we respect. (Think of it as the cryptographic equivalent of a piece of alien technology.) It's a worthy target. Skipjack is an unbalanced Feistel network (specifically, an incomplete construction), but it is obviously a product of military cryptography. Academic cryptography is mostly based on Feistel's work in the mid-1970s at IBM: SP-networks and Feistel networks. Military cryptography started with rotor machines, and then generalized into shift registers. The block diagram and description of Skipjack clearly shows its shift-register roots. I find it fascinating the that the two different design paths are converging. The first thing you notice about Skipjack is its simplicity. There are few design elements, and after some thought you can point to each one and explain why it is there. There are no weird constants. There are 32 rounds, and 32 rounds can hide a lot of faults, but the design seems sound. And very fragile. Some algorithms are strong because they are of a strong type of algorithm. Similar algorithms will also be strong. Skipjack isn't like that; it's a single strong algorithm around a sea of mediocrity. Make almost any modification to Skipjack, even a small one, and the result can be broken. I predict that the most interesting cryptanalysis work will come cryptanalyzing Skipjack variants. People are already attempting to cryptanalyze Skipjack. Mostly we've seen breaks of modified versions of the algorithm, together with explanations of why the attack won't work against Skipjack itself. And Skipjack with fewer rounds can be broken, but that's expected. And finally, Skipjack is not a submission to AES. It does not meet the criteria. AES will be a 128-bit block cipher; Skipjack is a 64-bit cipher. AES will support key lengths of 128-, 192-, and 256-bits; Skipjack has an 80-bit key. I believe I can increase Skipjack's block size without affecting security, but there is no obvious way to increase the key length of the algorithm. Next month: KEA. Source code: