Snarfzilla is a GUI for Freenet. It has a Napster-like interface, but is for all types of files. You can also browse Freenet in an HTML browser, like Fproxy, but securely, without access to the web in the browser. It differs from Napster and other peer to peer clients because of the unique benefits Freenet offers. Briefly: Anonymity, no central server, it's not possible to forcibly remove information and is invulnerable to attack. In addition to the services of Freenet, a key ingredient in Snarfzilla is voluntary contributions to artists and a moderated directory service to help you find and rate music you enjoy. It is written in Python and uses the wxPython GUI library, and the Java Freenet server from the Freenet Project. It runs on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Windows and Macs (maybe). The snarfzilla homepage is located at: