C12 C12-GAMMA is a finalised branch of Caesarion v12; a free software product for the FreeBSD and Linux operating systems. It is distributed under a software license which mandates that it may not be used for terrorism, paedophilia or crimes against humanity. The software provides secure (E-mail) communications facilities; communications secrecy, user-authentication and data-integrity verification. C12-GAMMA provides some unique technological superiorities, including: - The use of the L15 Stream Cipher which is a technological superiority in itself. - Innovative Cipher-Packet technique hides ciphertext in padding thus preventing cryptanalysis. - The software is supplied with file encryption utilities which utilise the above facilities. - E-mail is encrypted using the RSA public-key cryptosystem thus eliminating security risks from symmetric ciphers. - The provision of secret-public-key facilities caters for high security scenarios. - Unorthodox (reversed) RSA encoding of data should provide a higher level of security relative to orthodox implementations. - Digital signatures are encrypted thus eliminating security risks from cryptographic hash functions (most of which have recently discovered security issues). - The software is supplied with a FreeBSD-4.11R /dev/[u]random replacement kit. - The software is supplied with complete documentation including manual pages. The Caesarion homepage is located at: http://www.caesarion.org.uk/ Cryptographic signatures and checksums may be provided by the developers at the URL(s) above. Wiretapped recommends that users check these before use of the software/information.