GEAM Encrypts Automagically Mail Version 0.8.2 Installation: ./configure make make install You need at least GnuPG version 1.0.6 and pth-1.2.1. We have tested this software only on a GNU/Linux system and we know that the glibc is required due to the use of "%m" in the printf format strings. To test the daemon, you shoud do a "make checks". If this fails, please make sure that there are no daemons from previous test hanging around. The man page is geamd(8). A German manual is available as doc/ or in Postscript as doc/ . We appreciate any bug report or feature suggestion but please understand that we won't help with general installation problems unless we have agreed on the terms to compensate us. WARNING: To use this software you should first acquire a thorough understanding of it's working and read the manual. The software is in use for quite sometime now, but be prepared to find a lot of bugs and strange behavior.