pgpdomo is a set of replacement programs for Majordomo version 1.93 that will allow you to perform PGP encrypted administration and distribution of encrypted messages on selected lists while still retaining (mostly) normal operation of your cleartext lists. You will need the following stuff from other places before installing pgpdomo : Majordomo 1.93 PGP 2.6.2 (or compatible) for your Majordomo platform Visit for Majordomo. See the usenet group FAQ for the nearest PGP location nearest you. The above must be installed and functioning prior to installing pgpdomo. See INSTALL.DOC for installation details. -------------------------- What PGP adds to Majordomo: PGP adds to Majordomo two key elements: privacy and integrity. Privacy: o Encrypted Administration - no clear text passwords! o Encrypted distribution integrity: o Senders Identity is assured - no spoofing o Content is original What Majordomo adds to PGP: Majordomo greatly simplifies PGP's key management for you. You encrypt your submission for Majordomo and Mj re-encrypts the submission for all subscribers of the list. Why do I need this stuff? You may want to consider this as a viable solution to distribution of confidential information requiring privacy or integrity. How secure is this? This method of administrating/distributing private information is only as secure as Majordomo's home directory. If the server is configured and administered properly, the human subscribers are the weakest link. See INSTALL.DOC for some security quickies. -------------------------- Get additional information about pgpdomo by sending the following commands in the body of an Email to : help info pgpdomo-users info pgpdomo-announce info pgptest The pgpdomo-users list is for installation and operation assistance, bug reports, feature suggestions, comments, etc. relating to pgpdomo. You are encouraged to join. The pgptest list is a PGP protected list (also has an auto subscribe policy) if you would like to see how things work, or if they work differently then your pgpdomo server after installing. Get my Majordomo Public PGP Key from: It is needed if you intend to join pgptest. -------------------------- Please consider pgpdomo 1.93.P0.1 pre-release code as there are a few things left to do: mkdigest index get put - new functionality (your ideas go here) and mostly importantly, documentation. You will find the help message returned from pgpdomo to be the most helpful for you right now. Sorry. Doco is in the works. -------------------------- Please read the included Majordomo LICENSE. You are free to use my modifications and subroutines for any (legal) purpose whatsoever. John Perry perry [at]