FiSSH NON-COMMERCIAL LICENSE Copyright 2000, Massachusetts Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved. BY USING THE PROGRAM, YOU INDICATE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS LICENSE, AND ALL ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTING OR MODIFYING THE PROGRAM OR WORKS BASED ON IT. NOTHING OTHER THAN THIS LICENSE GRANTS YOU PERMISSION TO USE, MODIFY AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM OR ITS DERIVATIVE WORKS. THESE ACTIONS ARE PROHIBITED BY LAW. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DO NOT USE, MODIFY AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM. This license applies to the computer program(s) known as FiSSH. The term "program" used in this license agreement refers to such program, and the term "work based on the program" means either the program or any derivative work of the program including its output, such as a translation into another language, extending the program's functionality, use of parts of the program or it's output files or any modification of the program or it's output. The program is a copyrighted work whose copyright is held by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("the licensor"). 1. License terms Licensor hereby grants you the following rights, provided that you comply with all of the restrictions set forth in this license and provided further, that you distribute an unmodified copy of this license with the program: (a) You may copy and distribute the program's unaltered source code via any medium, in accordance with US cryptography export regulations. Any distribution of the program or any programs containing source code of as well as any output created with the program must contain an appropriate credit and all additional materials included with the original distribution, including the unaltered license agreement. (b) You may use the program for any purpose. The program must not be sold commercially as a separate product, as part of another product (bundled software) or project, or otherwise used for financial gain. Please see section 2, Restrictions, for details. (c) You may build derived versions of this software under the restrictions stated in section 2 (Restrictions) of this license. The derived versions must be clearly marked as such and must be called by a name other than FiSSH. All derived versions of the program must be made freely available under the terms of this license. The licensor must be given the right to use the modified source code in their products without any compensation and without being required to separately name the parties whose modifications are being used. Credit for FiSSH must be given to the licensor in all derived works. This does not affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent is to assure proper credit for the licensor, not to interfere with your use of this derived work. 2. Restrictions (a) Distribution of the program or any work based on the program by a commercial organization to any third party is prohibited if any payment is made in connection with such distribution, whether directly (as in payment for a copy of the program) or indirectly (as in payment for some service related to the program, or payment for some product or service that includes a copy of the program without charge, or payment for some product or service the delivery of which requires for the recipient to retrieve/download or otherwise obtain a copy of the program; these are only examples, and not an exhaustive enumeration of prohibited activities). As an exception to the above rule, putting this program on CD-ROMs containing other free software is explicitly permitted even when a modest distribution fee is charged for the CD, as long as this software is not a primary selling argument for the CD. (b) Activities other than copying, distribution and modification of the program are not subject to this license and they are outside it's scope. Functional use (running) of the program is not restricted. (c) You must meet all of the following conditions with respect to the distribution of any work based on the program: (i) All modified versions of the program must carry prominent notice stating that the program has been modified. The notice must indicate who made the modifications and how the program's files were modified and the date of any change; (ii) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole and at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this license; (iii) You must cause the program, at each time it commences operation, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty. The notice must also tell the user how to view the copy of the license included with the program, and state that users may redistribute the program only under the terms of this License; (iv) You must accompany any such work based on the program with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, delivered on a medium customarily used for software interchange. The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it; (v) If you distribute any written or printed material at all with the program or any work based on the program, such material must include either a written copy of this license, or a prominent written indication that the program or the work based on the program is covered by this license and written instructions for printing and/or displaying the copy of the License on the distribution medium; (vi) You may not change the terms in this License or impose any further restrictions on the recipient's exercise of the rights granted herein. 3. Reservation of Rights No rights are granted except as expressly set forth herein. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the program or any parts of the the program, except as expressly provided under this license. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the program or the HTML output files as a whole or in parts is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this license. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this license will not have their licenses terminated as long as such parties remain in full compliance with the license. 4. Limitations BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY USE, MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 5. General Some of the source code aggregated with this distribution is licensed by third parties under different terms, so the restrictions above may not apply to such components. As far as we know, all included source code is used in accordance with the relevant license agreements and can be used and distributed freely for any purpose; see below for details. We do not imply to give any licenses to any patents or copyrights held by third parties. As far as we know, all included source code is used in accordance with the relevant license agreements and can be used and distributed freely for any purpose (the GNU license being the most restrictive). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that portions of this code utilizes Peter Gutmann's encryption libraries. Copyright notices and usage conditions for the library contained below. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been granted a special free license as described in the cryptlib documentation. Copyright Peter Gutmann, Eric Young, and Colin Plumb 1992 - 1996 Author Contact Information: Peter Gutmann, The cryptlib home page,, contains more information on the latest cryptlib developments. Usage Conditions ---------------- This software is distributed as copyrighted freeware, with copyrights on individual encryption modules being held by the contributing authors. You are free to use the code in any way you want, with the following restrictions: - If you make any changes to the code, you should send a copy of the changes to the author or authors to allow them to integrate the changes into the code. This is to allow a central consistent version to be maintained. - If you use the library as part of a product, you should offer a copy to the authors of the library. This is to let the authors know that their work is being usefully applied. You should also give the authors credit in your software and/or documentation. This is to let others know that the authors' work is being usefully applied. - Any commercial software you create with this code may not be merely a set or subset of the encryption library, with or without minor added functionality. In particular you can't sell the library (or any modified form of it) as "your" encryption product. You can sell your own product which utilizes the encryption library, but you can't charge for the library itself or claim it as yours. This is to stop people adding their own wrappers and selling it as "their" encryption product. Patent Issues ------------- This library contains a number of algorithms which are covered by patents. These algorithms are Diffie-Hellman, DSA, IDEA, RC5, and RSA. A number of patent holders have very generously granted a license for royalty-free use of the algorithms in the library under certain circumstances, as explained below. Diffie-Hellman and DSA: The practice of Diffie-Hellman key exchange is covered by United States Patent No 4,200,770 ('Cryptographic Apparatus and Method') which expires in September 1997. The Canadian equivalent expires in September 1998. The practice of all other public key algorithms is covered by United States Patent No 4,218,582 ('Public Key Cryptographic Apparatus and Method') which expires in October 1998. Numerous equivalent patents have been issued in Europe and Japan which expire in October 1998. These patents are licensed exclusively by Cylink Corporation of Sunnyvale, California. Cylink has granted a license to all users of this library for non-commercial use, including research by non-profit institutions. This means you may incorporate this library in software which is distributed for free, provided you include the following notice in the software and all collateral documentation which states: The use of the public key algorithms in this software is covered by US Patents No 4,200,770 ('Cryptographic Apparatus and Method') and 4,218,582 ('Public Key Cryptographic Apparatus and Method') which are licensed exclusively by Cylink Corporation. In order to promote open standards for public key algorithms, Cylink has initiated a low cost licensing program for commercial use of public key. For more information, contact Cylink's web page at or e-mail IDEA: The IDEA algorithm is patented by Ascom Systec Ltd. of CH-5506 Maegenwil, Switzerland, who allow it to be used on a royalty-free basis for certain non-profit applications. Commercial users must obtain a license from the company in order to use IDEA. IDEA may be used on a royalty-free basis under the following conditions: Free use for private purposes: The free use of software containing the algorithm is strictly limited to non revenue generating data transfer between private individuals, ie not serving commercial purposes. Requests by freeware developers to obtain a royalty-free license to spread an application program containing the algorithm for non-commercial purposes must be directed to Ascom. Special offer for shareware developers: There is a special waiver for shareware developers. Such waiver eliminates the upfront fees as well as royalties for the first US$10,000 gross sales of a product containing the algorithm if and only if: 1. The product is being sold for a minimum of US$10 and a maximum of US$50. 2. The source code for the shareware is available to the public. Special conditions for research projects: The use of the algorithm in research projects is free provided that it serves the purpose of such project and within the project duration. Any use of the algorithm after the termination of a project including activities resulting from a project and for purposes not directly related to the project requires a license. Ascom Tech requires the following notice to be included for freeware products: This software product contains the IDEA algorithm as described and claimed in US patent 5,214,703, EPO patent 0482154 (covering Austria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK), and Japanese patent application 508119/1991, "Device for the conversion of a digital block and use of same" (hereinafter referred to as "the algorithm"). Any use of the algorithm for commercial purposes is thus subject to a license from Ascom Systec Ltd. of CH-5506 Maegenwil (Switzerland), being the patentee and sole owner of all rights, including the trademark IDEA. Commercial purposes shall mean any revenue generating purpose including but not limited to: i) Using the algorithm for company internal purposes (subject to a site license). ii) Incorporating the algorithm into any software and distributing such software and/or providing services relating thereto to others (subject to a product license). iii) Using a product containing the algorithm not covered by an IDEA license (subject to an end user license). All such end user license agreements are available exclusively from Ascom Systec Ltd and may be requested via the WWW at or by email to Use other than for commercial purposes is strictly limited to non-revenue generating data transfer between private individuals. The use by government agencies, non-profit organizations, etc is considered as use for commercial purposes but may be subject to special conditions. Any misuse will be prosecuted. RC5: The RC5 algorithm is patented by RSA Data Security Inc. 100 Marine Parkway, Redwoord City, California 94065, ph.+1 415 595-8782, fax +1 415 595-1873, and cannot be used commercially in the US without a license. RSA: The RSA algorithm is patented by RSA Data Security Inc. 100 Marine Parkway, Redwoord City, California 94065, ph.+1 415 595-8782, fax +1 415 595-1873, and cannot be used commercially in the US without a license. RSA licenses can most easily be obtained by waiting until the year 2000 when the patent expires. Acknowledgements ---------------- The DES and 3DES encryption code was contributed by Eric Young and is part of his libdes package. The primary ftp site for the full libdes is libdes is now also shipped with SSLeay. The primary site for this is The IDEA code was written by Colin Plumb, and scanned from the book "PGP Source Code and Internals", MIT Press, 1995 (see the comments in the code for more information). The bignum maths library used for the public-key encryption was contributed by Colin Plumb. Matt Thomlinson and Blake Coverett helped fix up and debug the Win32 random data gathering routines. Chris Wedgwood and Paul Kendall wrote the Unix random data gathering routines. Scott Morris did the VMS port. Cylink Corporation very generously granted permission for the use of their patents for non-commercial purposes.