Splint - Secure Programming Lint
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Source Code Installation

Splint should compile effortlessly on standard Unix systems, and with a bit of effort on non-Unix platforms. If you produce a port for a non-Unix platform, please let splint@cs.virginia.edu know.

To build Splint you need:


  1. Download http://www.splint.org/downloads/splint-3.1.0.tgz. (the latest stable release).

    Copy this package to the directory where you want to build Spint. When the tar file is extracted, it will create a splint-3.1.0 subdirectory.

  2. tar xzf splint-3.1.0.src.tgz (extract files from the archive)

  3. cd splint-3.1.0 (enter the extracted directory)

  4. configure
    This will create a Makefile with settings for your system. Use configure --prefix=directory if you want to install Splint in prefix directory directory.

  5. make
    GNU's make utility is required; it may be named gmake or gnumake on your system. It is best to do this in an emacs shell or a buffered terminal, so you can scroll through the output.

    This builds Splint. While it is building, subscribe to the lclint-announce mailing list by sending a message to majordomo@virginia.edu containing the body:

         subscribe lclint-announce

    If the build was successful, it then runs the test suite. You should see:

    Testing splint 3.1.0...
    Version Info:
    Splint 3.1.0 --- 11 Feb 2002
    Maintainer: splint-bug@splint.org
    ... (about 100 lines of test output elided)
    Checking manual...
    Checking tests2.2...
    Checking tests2.4...
    Checking tests2.5...
    Checking db1...
    Checking db2...
    Checking db3...
    Examine the test output. If there are errors, send a bug report to splint-bug@cs.virginia.edu.
    Note: If possible do not built splint in a directory under /usr/. If the test suite is run in a directory under /usr/ for example /usr/src/, it will report errors even if Splint was built correctly.

The remaining steps are only necessary if you want to install the Splint binary and libraries in a different directory (set when you ran configure).

  1. make install
  2. Set environment variables:
    LARCH_PATH - path to search for splint libraries and initializations files. If you are using the standard directories, this should be .:base-directory/splint-3.1.0/lib.

    LCLIMPORTDIR - directory containing lcl imports files. If you are using the standard directories, this is base-directory/splint-3.1.0/imports.

    Put the commands to set these variables (the actual commands will depend on the shell you are using) in one of your initialization dotfiles (usually ~/.environment).

    Set up your PATH to include the directory containing splint-3.1.0/bin/splint, or move the binary to a directory on your command path.

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