PIKT * An acronym: Problem Informant/Killer Tool. (PIKT rhymes with "ticket".) * An innovative new paradigm for administering heterogeneous networked workstations. * A systems monitor that both reports and, wherever possible, fixes problems. * A systems configuration and security manager. * A cross-categorical toolkit with uses limited only by your imagination. * An embedded scripting language and accompanying script interpreter. * A sophisticated script and system configuration file preprocessor for use with the Pikt scripting language or any other scripting language of your choice. * A cross-platform, centrally run script scheduler (like cron), customizing installer (like rdist), command shell enhancement, and total script and configuration file management facility. * Distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). * Available now for GNU/Linux, AIX, Digital UNIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX, OpenBSD, SCO OpenServer, Solaris, and SunOS. What Is PIKT Not? * A GUI-enhanced system. This is in the works, but as an option only. * An all-purpose programming language. Pikt is tailored to system administration, designed to work hand-in-handwith other languages, not to replace them. * Available for Mac OS X and other Unix variants.. (These will come eventually.) * Available for Windows NT. (Perhaps some day.) * The last word in systems monitors. (But maybe it's farther back in the dictionary.) The PIKT homepage is located at: http://pikt.org/ Cryptographic signatures and checksums may be provided by the developers at the URL(s) above. Wiretapped recommends that users check these before use of the software/information.