Instructions for setting up ICRADIUS under RedHat Linux


- The packages supplied are version specific.  The icradius RPM however 
  will likely work with just about any RPM version of MySQL provided it 
  follows the standard linux /var/lib/mysql schema of DB installation 
  and is installed relative to /usr (very likely for most.)

- These packages are intended to take _some_ of the work out of installing
  ICRADIUS in the RedHat 6/7 environment.  Radius in general is NOT easy,
  and the FAQ is your friend.  Please use it!

- PLEASE do not post questions to the icradius mailing list without
  minimally (a) thoroughly reading the FAQ, (b) grepping the docs directory
  for your query, and (c) checking out the mailing list archive.

  [only RH7.0]
  Standard distribution packages:
- zlib-devel (zlib-devel-1.1.3-12.i386.rpm)

  Additional packages:
- MySQL (MySQL-3.23.28-1.i386.rpm)
- MySQL-client (MySQL-client-3.23.28-1.i386.rpm)
- MySQL-devel (MySQL-devel-3.23.28-1.i386.rpm)
  - icradius (icradius-0.17b-1.i386.rpm)
  - icradius (icradius-0.17b-1.i386.rpm)
  Additional packages:
- MySQL (MySQL-3.23.28-1.i386.rpm)
- MySQL-client (MySQL-client-3.23.28-1.i386.rpm)
- MySQL-devel (MySQL-devel-3.23.28-1.i386.rpm)
  - icradius (icradius-0.17b-1.i386.rpm)


- Make sure you don't have any previous versions of radius around.
- Install the packages in the order they appear above.  You will almost 
  certainly get the error "package zlib-devel-1.1.3-12 is already installed"
  when attempting the first package.  Skip to the next one:
  [Only RH7.0]
  [root@foo /tmp]# rpm -Uvh zlib-devel-1.1.3-12.rpm
  [root@foo /tmp]# rpm -Uvh MySQL*.rpm
  [root@foo /tmp]# rpm -Uvh icradius-0.17b-1.rpm


- Use the supplied init script:

  [root@foo /tmp]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/radiusd start

- You should see the following:

  Starting radiusd:				[  OK  ]

- Check your logfile to make sure all is well:

  [root@foo /tmp]# tail -f /var/log/radius.log
  Fri Dec 15 22:30:18 2000: Info: Starting - reading configuration files ...
  Fri Dec 15 22:30:18 2000: Info: SQL: Attempting to connect to root@localhost:radius
  Fri Dec 15 22:30:19 2000: Info: Ready to process requests.


- Now go to /usr/share/doc/icradius-0.17b and thoroughly read the README

- The radius.cgi and usage.cgi files are set up and configured,  however
  you will need to manually install the required PERL modules prior to use.


- The root password of your MySQL installation is set to "rootpass" during
  the install.  Although connections are still not permitted from any host
  other than local by default, it is still _highly_ recommended that you 
  change this and then modify /etc/raddb/radius.conf accordingly.  Your
  radius secret for the NAS 'localhost' is set to the same so you may want
  to change this in the nas table too.

- If you are (understandably) untrustworthy of unsigned binary packages,
  feel free to grab the source RPM (in the same directory as the binary)
  review the patches, and build your own.  Directions for such are beyond 
  the scope of this document.

- These instructions should be relatively easy, however if there are
  any suggestions or noted ommissions/errors, etc. feel free to drop
  me a note at

  Colin Bloch [12/14/2000]