::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Feb/98 ::: The Discordant Opposition Journal ::: Issue 2 - File 9 ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :The Viewing Public: This is our mailbag. Our dirty electronic linen. Basically a dumping ground for mail we get about the DoJ but occasionally we will throw in a snippet that we consider humorous, scary or just plain disturbing... Cronus recently had an article printed in the Print Publication of Blacklisted 411 and received many mails on the topic, they are answered here. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From: Core Subject: Co-operation I was just checking out your page and was wondering whether or not you would like to co-operate with me in attempting to bring about a total Boycott of Tinet in order to get them to bring down the phone charges? Mail me here if you think we can work something out. Freeman :Its worth noting that Tinet is Telecom Internet, an ISP run by the main telephone company here in Ireland. And unfortunately boycotting them will not by any means reduce phone charges. Infact since my site is a hacking site, whatever you had in mind is most likely illegal and I amn't interested, but thanks for the thought. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From portcharlottesux@hotmail.com Subject: Mailbombs where can i download some decent chat bombs, mail bombs, im bombs, icq bombs, or any other progees? i would be greatly appreciative. e-mail me at portcharlottesux@hotmail.com :My oh my, you seem to have a bit of an unhealthy obsession on your hands there, well now that you've given out your email address in these hallowed pages I'm sure somebody will 'help' you with your request. For the ICQ bomb you'll have to send us your UIN, hehe.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From: "jastel marrell" Subject: EUA Greetings and Salutations Cronus, Just got done reading your article in the latest edition of Blacklisted 411. Good info. was wondering if you would be interested in doing similar articles for the Electronic Underground Affiliations E-Zine? The EUA is made up of various hacker org's around the world and we like to put out a monthly zine to keep our members informed of what's going on and what's new in the hacker/phreak underground. You can find us on the web @ "http://members.xoom.com/xxxxxxxx/" We've kept a low key for the past few for a couple of reasons, namely the events revolving around Kevin M. and Justin P. But alas, that has come about in a manner most unwanted. Drop me a line and let me know if you are up for writing a few articles for us. Thanks archive :Hi archive, I responded personally and just wanted to comment on your mail for our readership. I understand that you didn't realise that I am editor of this Zine, but may I presume to ask a few questions ? Why would a European E-Zine be worried about the prosecution of US hackers ? And why would a Publication choose for any reason to keep a low profile ? Why publish anything if you have to keep it low profile ? I censored your URL as you seemed very worried about staying low profile. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From: Cigarjosey@aol.com Subject: better reception dear cronus I am a farmer and i love your articles in 411.i have an ericson kh668 and i wanted to hook up a external antenaa to my 80 foot silo. Radio shack has a filter for the phones frequencies but they dont have the tnc connecter. Ericsdonn wants a arm and a leg for their travel hook up. Can u help? thanks cigarjosey :Cigarjosey, if that is your REAL name. I am not sure I know what you are asking. Prehaps if you asked a question like 'Can you get me this thing ?' or 'Where should I go to buy it ?'. Until you phrase your mails according to the dictates of Modern English I will have to simply ignore you. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From: "Ben Winston" Subject: I'm not so sure I wanna Help You Discordants Very, very cool site. :Hmm, yes. Nice and to the point. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From: "DynamikHack" Subject: Wingating the Net I read your article about using IP spoofing through Wingate systems. At the end of it, it said that files such as an IP scanner are available on your site. However, I can't seem to find them. Can you provide me with a link to somewhere that I can get an IP scanner? thanks :Try www.warforge.com :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From: nullptr@bigfoot.com Subject: oh yeah, one other thing... It's nice to find others who are interested in learning for the sake of learning, not for the sake of playing one-ups-manship with destructive behaviours that only prove what a moron one is. Good for you. nullptr :Thanks for the support nullptr. You will not be forgotten when the revolution comes... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Thanks about it for this issue. But keep those ridiculous questions coming cause the next issue will award a special prize to the most stupid mail we receive.