Network & Mobility

Technical Reference - Analogue Supplementary Services,

Data Transmission to CPE for Presentation Features

Issue Number 4
Issue Date: 24 July, 1997

This Technical Reference describes CPE. requirements for the reception of data for presentation services (e.g Calling Number Display) from the exchange on analogue customer lines. These requirements are based on Bellcore Specification GR-30-CORE "LSSGR: Voiceband Data Transmission Interface, Section 6.6" A Module of LSSGR, FR-NWT-000064 [1], with the minimum adaptation required for operation within the Australian telephone network.

Whilst Telstra requirements are modeled closely on the Bellcore document, some minor modifications are necessary for satisfactory operation within the Australian network.

2.1 Ring Cadences
The standard (default) Telstra ring cadence is two bursts of ring 400 ms off 200 ms off and 400 ms on followed by 2 s of silence- (The US ring cadences consist of a 2 s burst offing followed by a 4 s silent interval. The first silent interval is used for data transmission).
Other Telstra (distinctive) ring cadences shorten the silent period to as little as 1.4 s. This would severely limit the amount of tine available for the sending of data via the modem.
In order to allow up to 3.5 s of time for transmission of data, the requirements in this Technical Reference provide for an initial burst of ring in the range 200 ms to 650 ms. This is followed by a silent interval of sufficient duration as will allow for the transmission of data When this has been completed, the particular ring cadence appropriate to the call to the customer's service is then applied.

2.2. Message Format
Bellcore specifies two message formats - Single Messages and Multiple Messages. Telstra will use the Multiple Message format only.

3.1. General Description

This section describes the CPE requirements for the reception of data (e.g. Calling Number) Sent by a terminating exchange for CPE in either the on-book or off-hook states. The data transmission technique used is asynchronous frequency shift keying at 1200 bit/s, consistent with Bellcore Specification GR-30-CORE "LSSGR: Voiceband Data Transmission Interface7 Section 6.6" A Module of LSSGR FR-NWT-000064 [1]. Note that the frequencies used are identical with Bellcore 202 modem frequencies, and are therefore not compatible with ITU-T Rec. V.23.
The signalling interface is arranged to allow simplex data transmission from the terminating exchange to the CPE when a voice path has been established. There are four modes of data transmission, these are the on-hook data transmission with ring, prior to ring, without ring and the data transmission during the off-hook state It is assumed that the CPE will be ready to receive data at the time the PSTN exchange sends it, Section 4 details the requirements on timing and tolerances for data reception.
The CPE should be capable of supporting alphanumeric display of received data messages.

3.2. On-Hook Data Transmission with Ring
This signalling case is intended for transfer of data associated with a call in the process of being set up (e.g Calling Line Identification Presentation [2] and Calling Name Presentation [4]).
Data is transmitted during the period between the initial burst of the ringing signal and the cadenced ringing The silent interval between the initial burst of ring and the commencement of the cadenced ring will be of sufficient duration to allow the PSTN exchange to transmit the necessary data to the CPE.

a) The initial burst of ring will be in the range 200 ms to 650 ms.
b) The pause TI immediately after the initial burst of ring will be between 500 ms and 1000 ms.
c) The duration of the data transmission Will be a function of ale amount of data to be transmitted, but it will be limited to a maximum of 3.5 s.
d) The pause Th between the cessation of data transmission and the first bunt of cadenced ring will be in the range 200 ms to 1000 ms.
If the customer answers prior to or during data transmission, the transmission will cease within the time necessary for the PSTN exchange to detect the off-hook state (less than 500 ms) and the line placed into a state to allow the incoming call to proceed In these circumstances, the CPE should discard any resultant incomplete data messages received.

3.3. On-Hook Data transmission prior to Ring
This signalling case is intended for specialised applications for the transfer of data associated with a call in the process of being set up (e.g. calls from special category CPE for telemetry applications).
There may or may not be a Pre-Data Transmission signal sent prior to data transmission if a pre-data signal is sent it will be either a Line Polarity Reversal or an Open Switching Interval (OSI). The OSI is a short removal of battery feed in the range of 150 ms to 350 ms if a Line Polarity Reversal is sent, the line will return to normal polarity when the B-party answers or the A-party clears or the PSTN clears the call due to a no answer time expiry.
The timing for On-Hook Data Transmission prior to Ring as follows:

3.4. On-Hook Data Transmission without Ring
This signalling case is intended for transfer of data for applications not associated with a call (e.g. to indicate the presence of a message in a message storage system [3], or a requirement for telemetry applications).
There may or may not be a Pre-Data Transmission signal sent prior to data transmission, if a pre-data signal is sent, it will be either a Line Polarity reversal or an Open Switching Interval (OSI). If Line Polarity Reversal is sent, the Post-Data Transmission signal will be a Line Polarity Restoration to normal polarity. There is no Post-Data Transmission signal if an OSI is applied as a Pre-Data Transmission signal.
The timing for On-Hook Data Transmission without Ring as follows:

3.5. Data Transmission During Off-Hook State
This signalling case is intended for transfer of data associated with a Current call (e.g. Calling Line Identification Presentation [2] for a waiting call).
For data transmission to occur while the customer is in an off-hook state. the voice path must be disabled within the CPE to allow the exchange to communicate with the modem contained therein. This is achieved by using the CPE Alerting Signal to initiate a modem Session and control of the voice connection. The CPE internal voice path must he disabled during data transmission in order to preclude both the audible reception of tones and the injection of any signal from the associated telephone, by the customer to whom the name number or other data will be presented.
The sequence of events for data transmission to take place in the off-hook state as follows:
a) The PSTN disables the voice path to me distant CPE.
b) The PSTN applies a Subscriber Alerting Signal (SAS) to the local CPE.
c) The PSTN applies a CPE Alerting Signal (CAS) to the local CPE.
d) The OPE sends acknowledgment (AC K) in response to the CAS.
e) The PSTN applies the data sequence.
f) The PSTN enables the voice path to the distant CPE.
The SAS is a signal to alert the customer of the service (e.g Call Waiting tone in the case of a waiting call).
The CAS is a machine-recognisable signal used to alert the OPE to prepare for data reception .
The ACK signal sent by the CPE will be:
a) ADSI CPE ACK signal- DTMF digit 'A' (697 Hz and 1633 Hz) as specified in Austel/ACA Technical Standard 002 [5] and with a duration in the range 55 to 65 ms.
b) Non-ADSI CPE ACK signal DTMF digit 'D' (941 Hz and 1633 Hz as specified in Austel/ACA Technical Standard 002 [5] and with a duration in the range 55 to 55 ms.

The timing for off-Hook Data Transmission is as follows:

T10-60 msPre-Subscriber Alerting Signal (SAS)
T2250 ms-1 secDuration of Subscribe Alerting Signal (SAS)
T30-80 msPause between Subscriber Alerting Signal (SAS) and CPE Alerting Signal (CAS).
T480-85 msDuration of CPE Alerting Signal (CAS).
T50-100 msAcknowledgement (ACK) delay from CPE.
T650-100 msPre-data transmission pause.
T7feature specificData transmission time is feature dependent.
T80-120 msEnable voice path time to distant CPE.

Figure 3.5 Off-Hook Data Transmission Timing
If the CPE sends an ACK signal outside the range of T5 the PSTN will abort the data transmission and re-establish the voice path to the distant CPE, For Reversal On Seizure lines, the above data transmission sequence will occur while the line polarity is reversed.

3.6. Outgoing Calls
Presence of the data interface facility must not affect the ability to originate calls. However, outgoing calls may be impacted by the services that use this interface. For example, off-hook data transfer as described above may be initiated by the exchange during outgoing calls made from the CPE.
4.1 Physical Interface
4.1.1 Data Transmission
Link TypeTwo wire, Simplex
Transmission schemeAnalogue Frequency Shifting Keying
Logic 1 (Mark)1200 +/- 12 Hz
Logic 0 (Space)2200 +/- 22 Hz
Transmission Rate1200 +/- 12 bits per second
Application of dataSerial, Binary, Asynchronous, Least Significant Bit first
Maximum gap between
two successive bytes
16.7 ms (20 bits)
Bit Error Rate< 10^-5
Phase Continuity of MessageMaintained from inital service to end
Transmission Level-13.5 +/- 1 dBm into a resistive termination of 600 ohm at the
PSTN exchange MDF. The level at the Service Delivery Point
may be up to 20 dB lower than this for on-hook an up to 8 dB lower for off-hook data transmission.
Character Format1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
Character SetASCII 7 bit, 8 bits is transmitted with the most significant bit
set to zero.

The 600 ohm resistive termination is a reference value for measurement purposes only.

Table 4.1.1 Data Transmission Parameters

Optimal interworking using this facility will be achieved by compliance with the following recommendations:

· During the on-hook state, the VF impedance of the CPE during reception of presentation data he as high as practicable, preferably not less than 15 k ohm, which will allow parallel connection of CPE using presentation features.
· Passband filtering of the data signalling frequencies be employed within the CPE to eliminate low and high frequency interference.
· CPE designs should allow for up to 10 dB of twist between the data signalling frequencies.
Other technical requirements for CPE connected to the PSTN are described in Austel/ACA Technical Standards 002 [5], TS 004 [6] and TS 030 [7].
The time that elapses between the transmission of individual data bytes within data messages win not exceed the time period associated with the transmission of two bytes. If this timing interval is exceeded, the received data should be treated as erroneous. Furthermore, the mark signal (which is transmitted between data bytes) should be monitored for continuity. An interruption that exceeds 8 ms should cause the received data to be treated as erroneous. An interruption of the mark signal for 8 ms or less (i.e., less than one byte period) may be ignored by the data receiver.

4.1.2 Signalling
The dual tone CPE Alerting Signal (CAS) will conform to the following standards:
Dual Tone Frequencies2130 +/- Hz and 2750 +/- 14 Hz
Transmission Level-15+/-1 dBm per frequency measured into a 600-ohm
at the PSTN exchange MDF. The level at the
Service Delivery Point may be up to 8 dB lower than this.
Duration80 - 85 ms

Table 4.1.2 CPE Alerting Signal Parameters

4.2. Protocol The asynchronous protocol used for this interface provides efficient use of the available bit rare, reliable error detection, and flexibility for future expansion.
The protocol involves the transmission of a series of 8-bit data bytes that are each bounded by a start bit (space) and a stop bit (mark). The data is sent in the order of the least significant bit (bit 0) first.
The format of the data message is shown below The message type byte indicates that the data consists of one or more parameters. This is known as the multiple message format. Each parameter Consists of a parameter type byte parameter length byte, and up to a maximum of 20 data bytes.

Messages that are not recognised by the CPE should be ignored (i.e. the corresponding data is not displayed). Recognition should be based on the value used in the message type byte.
If a CPE recognises a particular message type byte given in a multiple data message, but does not recognise one or more of the parameter type bytes within the multiple data message, the CPE should process the message as follows:
· All recognised parameter types should continue to be processed (i.e the corresponding data is displayed).
· All unrecognised parameter bytes should be ignored (i.e the corresponding data should not be displayed).
The PSTN wilt be capable of delivering a sequence of data messages, and the CPE should therefore include the ability to receive consecutive messages that may be sent during the silent interval between initial and regular ring signals.
Details of the message content for service applications are described in feature specific Telstra Analogue Supplementary Services documents.

4.3. Error Detection The exchange will generate a check sum which is transmitted as the last byte of the data message. The check sum consists of the two's complement of the modulo 236 sum of the other bytes in the data message (i.e. from the message type to the last data byte of the last parameter of the data message).
The receiving equipment obtains the modulo 256 sum of all bytes received in the data message (including the check sum). Both recognised and unrecognised parameter type bytes and associated parameter length and parameter data bytes are included in the computation of the modulo 256 sum. Any result other than zero for this addition shows that the data message was not received correctly. A result of zero usually indicates that the message was correctly received however, this method cannot detect all transmission errors. Specifically it cannot detect offsetting bit errors occurring in the same bit positions in two, four or six (or any multiple of two) bytes of the data message.
If the CPE detects an error, none of the parameters of the received data should be displayed. No messages are sent to the exchange indicating that an error was detected, and the exchange will not attempt to retransmit data.

[1] Bellcore Generic Requirements GR-30-CORE "LSSGR: Voiceband Data Transmission Interface, Section 6.6", A Module of LSSGR, FR-NWT-000064 issue-1, Dec 1994.
[2] DC.001 - Calling Line Identification Presentation - Analogue.
[3] DC.017 - VMWI - Visual Message Wait Indication.
[4] DC.O18 - CLNPA Calling Name Presentation for Analogue.
[5] TS O02 1997 Austel/ACA Technical Standard 002.
[6] TS 004 - 1996 Austel/ACA Technical Standard 004.
[7] TS 030 - 1997 Austel/ACA Technical Standard 030.

End Of Document.

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