
Greetings to all virus writers and java programmers who have taken time out of their busy schedules to view my latest creation. 

This new virus, named the BeanHive virus for reasons explained below, is revolutionary in demonstrating the immense power that java viruses can gain over the host platform. 

The BeanHive consists of two types of Beans, the Queen and the Workers ( these are not actually java beans, I just needed a good name, apologies to all programmers who are offended by my blatent disregard for the truth). The Workers have the solemn duty of sitting around dormant within java class files until they are executed. When this occurs he awakens to find himself without his Queen. He rectifies this situation by attempting to communicate with her across the internet. If contact is established then the Queen travels across the expanse of the internet to wherever the Worker is located. The Worker then returns to his peaceful slumber whilst the Queen prepares to colonise the new hive that the Worker has discovered. After completing her task she returns to the big BeanHive in the sky, awaiting her next calling. 

You may be wondering what on earth all of this means, well you'll just have to wait until the next codebreakers release, or until one of the antivirus companies comes up with an explanation, or even better yet you can download it and find out for yourself. 


Landing Camel 


The most prevalent comment from my fellow colleagues regarding the Strange Brew virus was that they didn't understand why applets could not be infected, and why web browsers could not be used to infect files. Although I am going to duck the first question I am pleased to announce that users of both Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer can utilise specially designed applets to infect local java class files.  

Click Here to Import My Object-Signing Test Certificate

Ensure that your browser supports java and click on the button below. 


What's that you say? You don't know anything about java? Don't worry your little head about it, since most people are ignorant of this wonderful programming language I have decided to give you a fun little exercise that will undoubtedly be the highlight of your day. 

1. Download the files HelloWorld.class and javap.exe to your local hard drive from here. 

2. Execute the command javap HelloWorld as seen below. 
C:\Java>javap HelloWorld
Compiled from HelloWorld.java
public class HelloWorld extends java.lang.Object {
    public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    public HelloWorld();

3. Infect HelloWorld.class using the BeanHive demonstration applet above.

4. Execute the command javap HelloWorld as seen below. 

C:\Java>javap HelloWorld
Compiled from HelloWorld.java
public class HelloWorld extends java.lang.ClassLoader {
    public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    public synchronized java.lang.Class 
       loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean);
    public HelloWorld();

5. Congratulations! You are the proud owner of the BeanHive virus. Be sure to feed it twice a day, and give it lots of love and attention.