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The first thing you must know about booting from a disk is that DOS is not loaded and thus you cannot call any DOS interrupts like INT 21h. Secondly, memory must be managed. We could setup a memory management system, but that is for the operating system; not for the bootstrap. All the bootstrap does is load some system files off the disk (i.e. MSDOS.SYS and IO.SYS) and allows them to setup interrupts and load the command interpreter. But wait... if we don't have DOS, how do we read from a disk? The BIOS gives us INT 13h which allows us to do some low-level I/O. Rather than files, we have sectors, sides, and tracks. On a hard drive, sides are heads since there can be more than 2 sides; and tracks are called cylinders. Here are some INT 13h calls: INT 13h Read Sector: ------------ AH=2 AL=sectors to read CH=cylinder CL=sector DH=head DL=drive ES:BX -> buffer for read data On return, Carry flag set if error and AH contains error code. A note here may be made that only the lower 6 bits of CL are used for sector. The high 2 bits are used as bits 8 and 9 of the cylinder. Also, only the lower 6 bits of DH are used for the head, so the high 2 bits are used as bits 10 and 11 of the cylinder. Also, the disk controller on the PC starts sector numbers at 1, so the sector can be a number from 1 to 63. This is not always true - especially for a floppy disk. For example, a high density 3.5" disk generally has 18 sectors. The head has a limit from 0 to 63. Since floppy disks are portable and contain one disk, they have 2 sides. These sides can also be called heads. The number of cylinders can range from 0 all the way up to 4095 using INT 13h / AH=2 . For a method of shortening space, a triplet can be used to specify a certain sector on disk. The triplet is given as (sector, side, track). For example, (1,0,0) is the boot sector. Another thing about reading sectors from disk: the read should be done about 3 times because of various status messages like a disk change. If the read fails 3 times, then an error handler should be used. INT 13h Write Sector: ------------ AH=3 AL=sectors to write CH=cylinder CL=sector DH=head DL=drive ES:BX -> buffer for data to be written On return, Carry flag set if error and AH contains error code. INT 13h Get Last Operation Status ------------ AH=1 DL=drive On return, Carry flag set if last call had an error and AH contains the last error code or if no error then 0. INT 13h Reset Disk - Seek to (1,0,0) ------------ AH=0 DL=drive On return, Carry flag set if error and AH contains error code. Now, onto the loading procedure. When a disk is booted, the boot sector (1,0,0) is loaded at 0:7C00h. No stack is setup, so one should be created to prevent overwriting something. XOR AX,AX MOV SS,AX MOV DS,AX MOV ES,AX SUB AX,2 ; This is used because older style computers store values MOV SP,AX ; then subtract SP by whatever size Now that a stack is setup, we can PUSH and POP all we like. A more important thing to do right now is to attempt to load the operating system off of the disk. As you can see, since sectors are not linear (they are given as a triplet of (sector, head, cylinder)), it will be hard to load an operating system from different sizes of disks. Because of this, the boot sector normally contains a record of the disk that DOS and others can use to determine the type of disk and its characteristics. Here is the basic boot sector: Offset Size Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0003h 8 bytes OEM Name String 000Bh 2 bytes Bytes per Sector 000Dh 1 byte Sectors per Cluster 000Eh 2 bytes Reserved Sectors 0010h 1 byte Number of File Allocation Tables 0011h 2 bytes Number of Root Directory Entries 0013h 2 bytes Total Number of Sectors 0015h 1 byte Media Descriptor Byte 0016h 2 bytes Sectors per File Allocation Table 0018h 2 bytes Sectors per Track 001Ah 2 bytes Number of Heads 001Ch 2 bytes Number of Hidden Sectors 001Eh 9 bytes ???????????? Unused ???????????? 0027h 4 bytes Volume Serial Number (Reverse Order) 002Bh 11 bytes Volume Name at Creation (Actual Volume is in Root) 0036h 8 bytes FAT Description String ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Space after here is operating system specific. These are the only required data bytes that should be used if you want a DOS compatible disk. You must also remember to allocate enough sectors for the File Allocation Table and the root directory. Now wait a minute... if that offset starts at 0003h, where is my program supposed to go? At offset 0000h you should call a short or near jump to goto the rest of your loader program. A short jump only takes 2 bytes so a NOP instruction (opcode 90h) can be used as filler. One sector only gives you 512 bytes. The boot sector table above reduces it a little so remember to keep your loader code small; put all non-needed code into a system file. Media Descriptor Table: Byte Disk Type Sectors Heads Tracks Formatted Size ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FFh 5 1/4" 8 2 40 320K bytes FEh 5 1/4" 8 1 40 160K bytes FDh 5 1/4" 9 2 40 360K bytes FCh 5 1/4" 9 1 40 180K bytes FBh both 9 2 80 640K bytes FAh both 9 1 80 320K bytes F9h 5 1/4" 15 2 80 1200k bytes F9h 3 1/2" 9 2 80 720k bytes F0h 3 1/2" 18 2 80 1440k bytes F8h hard disk ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For the hard disk type, you can have almost any number of sectors, heads, and tracks. Also note that a hard drive usually has a master boot record (MBR) which will point to a sector which contains the boot sector. Also note here that these media descriptor bytes don't mean much anymore since some of the same byte can mean different things (i.e. F9h) and also all the needed information is already given in the boot sector. By no means is the above boot sector table a table for the master boot record. If you write over the MBR on your hard drive, you'll have a problem when you startup your computer next time. Continuing from the above loader code... XOR AX,AX MOV SS,AX MOV DS,AX MOV ES,AX SUB AX,2 ; This is used because older style computers store values MOV SP,AX ; then subtract SP by whatever size Okay... since now we know that different types of disks can have different numbers of sectors, heads, and tracks; it should be understandable that to load a system file from say (5,1,3) would not be the same from a 1.44M disk to a 360k disk. With this in mind, a linear sector reader could be very helpful. Linear would indicate that we could pass a value of 55 to the procedure and it would read (2,1,1) from a 1.44M disk or (2,0,3) from a 360k disk. Here is how we establish these numbers: Read_Sector Proc ; DL = Drive / EAX = Sector / SI = Num / ES:BX -> Buffer ; EAX = 0 is the first sector for this and EAX = 1 ; is the second, etc. PUSH ESI ; Save For Whatever Reason PUSH BX ; Save Buffer Offset PUSH DX ; Save Drive XOR EDX,EDX ; Prepare For Dividing MOV ESI,EDX ; Set High 16 bits of ESI to 0 For Divide MOV SI,[Sectors_Per_Track]; Set ESI is 32 bit Sectors per track DIV ESI ; EDX = Remainder / EAX = Quotient INC DX ; DX = Sector MOV CX,DX ; CX = Sector XOR EDX,EDX ; Prepare for another divide MOV ESI,EDX ; ESI = 0 Again MOV SI,Number_Of_Heads ; For Another 32 bit Divide DIV ESI ; DX = Head / AX = Track MOV BX,DX ; Save Head POP DX ; Get Drive Back (DL) MOV DH,BL ; Set DH to Head MOV CH,AL ; CH = Track SHR AX,2 ; AH = bits 10 and 11 of Track (Cylinder) AND AL,11000000b ; Set AL for adding to CL ADD CL,AL ; Add on bits 8 and 9 of Track (Cylinder) SHL AH,6 ; Set AH for adding to DH ADD DH,AH ; Add on bits 10 and 11 of Track (Cylinder) POP BX ; Restore Offset POP ESI ; Restore ESI MOV AX,SI ; Set AL to number to read (1 to xx) ; Note that xx is not always read because of ; various reasons like crossing to the next head ; or track (running out of sectors on current head) ; This will be returned in AL on return MOV AH,2 ; Function AH=2 / INT 13h = Read Sector INT 13h ; Read sector(s) into memory RET ; Carry flag set if error, AH = error ; AL = number of sectors read ENDP ; End Procedure There it is. This particular read sector procedure has support for reading in multiple sectors at a time as well as reading from a hard drive (12 bit cylinder support). The reason that EAX is used for sector and not AX is because on hard drives, sector numbers can reach up VERY high. There is still some limitation with this procedure as it can only read up to the 63 * 64 * 4096 = 16,515,072th sector limiting it to 8,455,716,864 bytes. This tutorial will only discuss floppy disk bootstraps though and so this is irrelevent for the moment. Now that our linear sector reader is written, we can attempt to load the system file from disk. Linear sector 0 is actually the boot sector and linear sector 1 is actually the sector after the boot sector. Anyway... what sector is the system file at on the disk? The file allocation table and the root directory entry tells us this. The file allocation table is xxxx sectors which can be found in the boot sector and has a format like this: File Allocation Table: Value Meaning ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 00000h Free Sector 0FFF0h to 0FFF6h Reserved 0FFF7h Bad Sector - data error or other 0FFF8h to 0FFFFh End of File Chain ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Any other value points to the next sector. Note that each entry actually counts as a cluster, not necessarily one sector. This value can be found in the boot sector. Note that ALL floppy disks use a 12-bit FAT and thus 0FF8h to 0FFFh can mean end of file chain. Now, this is probably confusing... it is probably easier to explain the file allocation table (FAT) by an example: F0 FF FF 03 40 00 06 F0 FF 07 80 00 FF 0F This is a 12-bit FAT and thus 3 characters are used for each. Here is a conversion in columns for ease of comprehension: 0000 / FF0 0001 / FFF 0002 / 003 0003 / 004 0004 / 006 0005 / FFF 0006 / 007 0007 / 008 0008 / FFF Okay... entry 0000 seems to be reserved. This could probably be the root directory or something. It would be located at Cluster 0. Entry 0001 is an end of file chain. This could be the last 512 bytes or however many bytes per cluster of a file. This is located at Cluster 1. Maybe this is the root directory? Entry 0002 has the value of 3. Thus, a file on the disk starts at Cluster 2 and continues on to 3. Since now we are at cluster 3, we read the number there. If it is not an end of file chain marker, then we continue further. We find 4 : the value is 6. So we look at entry 6 : the value is 7. 7 to 8. And then at 8 we have and end of file marker. This tells us that there is information here but it might not be entirely filled with data. To figure out how much of the data belongs to the file, you must look at the root directory file size entry. Entry 0005 has an end of file chain marker. This is a file here that has from 0 to 512 bytes since no other cluster pointed to it. An exact size can be found in the root directory entry. Since the previous file that started at entry 0002 and was "split" in the middle by this entry, we have a defragmented file. This demonstrates how the file allocation table is used to allow space to be wasted as little as possible since it is not really necessary to have a linear block of space for a file. When you defragment your hard drive or a floppy drive, you are actually moving data from cluster to cluster in such a way that each entry will point to the next one creating all linear files. Now the root directory... this contains xxxx entries (which can be found in the boot sector) which are of 32 bytes each. This is found immediately after the file allocation table(s) whose size and number of FATs can be found in the boot sector. Offset Size Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0000h 8 bytes Filename (Space (20h) padded if shorter) 0008h 3 bytes Filename extention (padded if needed) 000Bh 1 byte File Attribute 000Ch 10 bytes Reserved - I think Win95 uses this for long names 0016h 2 bytes Time of last write to file 0018h 2 bytes Date of last write to file 001Ah 2 bytes Start Cluster (see FAT) 001Ch 4 bytes Exact file size ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If the filename starts with value 00 it generally means that the entry is not in use. If the filename starts with value E5 it generally, but not always means that the entry is not in use. To find out if it is really deleted, the FAT value pointed at by the Start Cluster must be 0000. The file attribute tells what kind of a file it is, or whether it is hidden or something. Here is a bit table from bit 0 (rightmost) to bit 7 (leftmost): bit 0 : read-only if set bit 1 : hidden file if set bit 2 : system file if set bit 3 : volume label if set bit 4 : subdirectory if set bit 5 : archive bit - backup programs use this to see if the file has changed since last backup bit 6 : reserved bit 7 : reserved Note: Only the first file with the volume label set is actually the volume label. Back to the bootstrap program... After setting up the stack and establishing the linear sector reader, we must find and load a file off the disk. This is accomplished by: (1) Scan through root directory for OUR file to load (2) Get starting cluster of file and filesize (3) Load first cluster (starting cluster) into memory and add cluster size to the memory offset (4) If value at (starting cluster) in FAT is not end of file chain marker, set (starting cluster) to value found and goto step 3 (5) End of file. JMP to original memory offset to run the file. Note that the file loaded must be a raw machine language file - NOT an EXE file. COM files work nicely here. One note here: My bootstrap program fills up most of the boot sector except for 3 bytes. If you plan to edit it at all for your own use and it turns out too big, I suggest shortening the "System file(s) not found" string. Also, this bootstrap is superior to DOS's in that it doesn't HAVE to load a linear file starting from cluster 1 like when you boot from a DOS disk. My bootstrap here will load ANY file that is on the disk. All you have to do is change the systemfilename variable. One more thing - if you plan to make a bootstrap for your hard drive, remember that this program loads a 12-bit FAT and your hard drive will usually be 16-bit or 32-bit (or neither if you don't use a DOS compatible OS). After reading my tutorial, you should be able to figure out how to modify this, right? :) Anyhow, a 16-bit FAT should take less code and math - that's why I chose to explain the 12-bit FAT. That is pretty much all there is to a bootstrap. The included set of programs should help you, if you choose to, make a bootstrap and be able to load your own operating system or whatever you want it to do. Until next time... - vulture a.k.a. Sean Stanek ! locals @@ segment code assume cs:code,ds:code org 7C00h start: .386 ; enable 386 stuff - 386 required jmp short skipdiskinfo ; Short jump to skip boot sector info nop ; NOP for filler Byte_Per_Sector Equ word ptr ds:[7C0Bh] Sectors_Per_Cluster Equ byte ptr ds:[7C0Dh] Reserved_Sectors Equ word ptr ds:[7C0Eh] Number_Of_FATs Equ byte ptr ds:[7C10h] Number_Of_Root_Entries Equ word ptr ds:[7C11h] Number_Of_Sectors Equ word ptr ds:[7C13h] Media_Descriptor Equ byte ptr ds:[7C15h] Sectors_Per_FAT Equ word ptr ds:[7C16h] Sectors_Per_Track Equ word ptr ds:[7C18h] Number_Of_Heads Equ word ptr ds:[7C1Ah] Number_Of_Hidden_Sectors Equ word ptr ds:[7C1Ch] org 7C3Eh ; Point after boot sector info skipdiskinfo: ; The start of the bootstrap cli ; Disable interrupts so no stack is used xor ax,ax mov ss,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax dec ax dec ax mov sp,ax ; SS:SP -> 0000:FFFEh xor eax,eax ; Set EAX=0 mov al,number_of_FATs ; Calculate number of sectors to root dir mov dx,sectors_per_FAT mul dx shl edx,16 add eax,edx xor ebx,ebx mov bx,Reserved_Sectors add eax,ebx mov dl,0 ; A: mov si,1 ; 1 sector at a time xor bp,bp ; bp = number of entries read so far nextroot: ; try all root entries until OUR's is found mov cx,3 ; try 3 times tryread: push cx push eax mov dl,0 ; A: mov si,1 ; 1 sector mov bx,60h mov es,bx ; ES:BX -> 60h:100h mov bx,100h ; 100h just because call Read_Sector pop eax pop cx jnc readokay ; if okay, jump to okay dec cx ; decrement # of tries jnz tryread ; and try again if we haven't done CX times jmp baddisk ; something went bad... print bad disk string readokay: mov si,100h nextentry: mov di,offset systemfilename mov cx,11 ; 11 characters per file push ds push es push ds push es pop ds ; Swap DS=0060h / ES=0000h pop es push si rep cmpsb ; compare string pop si pop es pop ds jz filefound add si,20h inc bp cmp si,300h jae didntfind jmp nextentry didntfind: inc eax ; next sector cmp bp,number_of_root_entries ; if we've read all and found it not, then jae baddisk ; print bad disk message jmp nextroot ; if under then try again filefound: ; at es:si xor eax,eax mov ax,es:[si+1Ah] ; start cluster mov di,100h ; start offset for loading file ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; LOW LEVEL LOAD A FILE ROUTINE ;; ;; THIS WILL LOAD A FILE WITHOUT DOS ;; ;; AND A MAX SIZE OF 65,280 BYTES ;; ;; VIA INTERRUPT 13h ONLY ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; continueLOADFILE: push ax ; save old current cluster mov ch,0 mov cl,Sectors_Per_Cluster mul cx ; convert cluster -> sector shl edx,16 ; Now EDX(16):AX is sector number add eax,edx ; EAX is now sector number mov ch,0 mov cl,Number_Of_FATs xor edx,edx mov dx,Sectors_Per_FAT AddFATOffset: ; Adding FAT offset add eax,edx loop AddFATOffset ; by Number_Of_FATs times mov dx,Number_Of_Root_Entries ; add root entry offset ; 512 / 32 = 16 entries per sector cmp dl,0 ; 16/sector = 2^4 = 10000b jnz noaddDH ; if we had a weird number, inc DH to fix inc dh ; counteract noaddDH: shr dx,4 ; convert # of entries -> # of sectors add eax,edx dec eax ; EAX is _finally_ actual sector number push es mov bx,1000h ; Load file at segment 1000h mov es,bx mov bx,DI ; current offset is in DI add DI,512 ; add for later mov dl,0 ; drive A: mov si,1 ; 1 sector call Read_Sector ; read sector in EAX pop es ; restore old ES segment xor eax,eax pop ax ; get back last cluster number ;; In FAT12, we can get 1536 / 1.5 = 1024 entries in 3 sectors ;; Calculate sectors to load in FAT - AX contains cluster number push es ; save for program segment push ax ; save again shr ax,10 ; divide by 1024 = 2^10 mov bx,3 ; every 3 sectors mul bx ; multiply add ax,Reserved_Sectors ; add boot sector size, etc. mov bx,2000h mov es,bx mov bx,0 ; 2000h:0000 (just some place not used) mov si,3 ; 1 sector mov dl,0 ; drive A: call Read_Sector pop ax and ax,3ffh ; AX MOD 1024 mov bx,3 mul bx ; AX*3/2 = offset of number of cluster shr ax,1 ; divide by 2 jc midway ;;; if we are here it means that our 12 bit cluster should appear this way: ;;; bc xa xx ;;; where abc is the cluster number ;;; read in bc xa which reads into a register as xabc ;;; and xabc by 0fffh to get 0abc mov bx,ax mov ax,es:[bx] and ax,0fffh jmp gotcluster midway: ;;; if we are here it means that our 12 bit cluster should appear this way: ;;; xx cx ab ;;; where abc is the cluster number ;;; read in cx ab which reads into a register as abcx ;;; shift abcx right by 4 to get 0abc mov bx,ax mov ax,es:[bx] shr ax,4 gotcluster: pop es cmp ax,0fffh jz runprogram jmp continueLOADFILE runprogram: db 0eah dw 100h,1000h ; JMP FAR 1000h:100h ; 1000h:100h -> place where system file was loaded ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Read_Sector Proc ; DL = Drive / EAX = Sector / SI = Num / ES:BX -> Buffer ; EAX = 0 is the first sector for this and EAX = 1 ; is the second, etc. PUSH ESI ; Save For Whatever Reason PUSH BX ; Save Buffer Offset PUSH DX ; Save Drive XOR EDX,EDX ; Prepare For Dividing MOV ESI,EDX ; Set High 16 bits of ESI to 0 For Divide MOV SI,Sectors_Per_Track; Set ESI is 32 bit Sectors per track DIV ESI ; EDX = Remainder / EAX = Quotient INC DX ; DX = Sector MOV CX,DX ; CX = Sector XOR EDX,EDX ; Prepare for another divide MOV ESI,EDX ; ESI = 0 Again MOV SI,Number_Of_Heads ; For Another 32 bit Divide DIV ESI ; DX = Head / AX = Track MOV BX,DX ; Save Head POP DX ; Get Drive Back (DL) MOV DH,BL ; Set DH to Head MOV CH,AL ; CH = Track SHR AX,2 ; AH = bits 10 and 11 of Track (Cylinder) AND AL,11000000b ; Set AL for adding to CL ADD CL,AL ; Add on bits 8 and 9 of Track (Cylinder) SHL AH,6 ; Set AH for adding to DH ADD DH,AH ; Add on bits 10 and 11 of Track (Cylinder) POP BX ; Restore Offset POP ESI ; Restore ESI MOV AX,SI ; Set AL to number to read (1 to xx) ; Note that xx is not always read because of ; various reasons like crossing to the next head ; or track (running out of sectors on current head) ; This will be returned in AL on return MOV AH,2 ; Function AH=2 / INT 13h = Read Sector INT 13h ; Read sector(s) into memory RET ; Carry flag set if error, AH = error ; AL = number of sectors read ENDP ; End Procedure BadDisk: mov si,offset BadDiskString ; Offset of ASCIZ string to print WriteString: mov al,[si] ; get character cmp al,0 ; if Z then stop jz endString mov ah,0eh ; INT 10h / AH=0Eh - Print Character int 10h ; Print character inc si ; Offset of next character jmp WriteString ; Loop until Z found endString: xor ax,ax ; INT 16h / AH=0 - Wait for keypress int 16h ; Getkey int 19h ; INT 19h - Reload bootstrap BadDiskString db 0dh,0ah db 'System file(s) not found.',0dh,0ah db 'Press any key to softboot.',0dh,0ah,0 systemfilename db 'LOADER COM' ; 8 char / 3 char - all space padded org 7DFEh db 055h,0AAh ; It's customary to end stuff this way, but ; not required ends end start