;***************************** ;MBR Restore Utility ;***************************** ;by Evil-E [CodeBreakers] MODEL TINY CODESEG STARTUPCODE mov ah,9 ; display copyright text :-) mov dx,offset msg int 21h mov ax,3D00h ; open boot.bin for reading mov dx,offset file int 21h jc error ; error opening file ? xchg bx,ax ; put file handle in bx mov ah,3Fh ; read file into buffer mov cx,512 mov dx,offset Buffer int 21h mov ah,3eh ; close file ;) int 21h xor ax,ax ; reset Disksystem mov dl,80h int 13h mov bp,4 ; write MBR four times ... write: mov ax,0301h ; write buffer to the Harddisk MBR mov dx,0080h ; Head 0, Harddisk mov cx,1 ; track 0, sector 1 mov bx, offset buffer int 13h dec bp jnz write int 20h ; return to DOS ... error: mov ah,9 ; display error message mov dx,offset error_msg int 21h int 20h ; return to DOS ... file db 'BOOT.BIN',0 msg db 'RESTORE Version 1.0 by Evil-E [CB] (c) 1998',13,10 db '-------------------------------------------',13,10 db 'Now restoring MBR to HD...$',13,10 error_msg db 'Error reading boot.bin !$' buffer db 512 dup (0) END