Portscan.java version 0.6 by Wyzewun --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--== -/- So what the hell is this anyway? An extremely simple, threaded, cross-platform Portscanner written in Java (of all things =P) -/- Why is it super-kewl? Heh, well, with L0pht releasing a Wardialer for the PalmPilot etc, I figured we may as well get some nice Hacking/Security tools for the Java Platform - after all, there's a Java VM for every single major PDA. Uuh, Except Windows CE, but those aren't *Real* PDA's. Oh yeh, and I suppose all those luzers with arb OS's like OS/2 might like this too. =P -/- Why is it super-stupid? It uses System.out instead of having a funky GUI effort, and because not all OS's have the concept of a standard output - its not truly platform independant yet. Yucky. I will have a nice JFC/Swing GUI by 0.7 hopefully. I still haven't gotten round to learning the JFC yet. ;P -/- Your code sucks. Can I fix it? Yes, please - If you can find somewhere where the code can be optimized, or otherwise improved, please mail a diff of your proposed changes to me at wyze1@g0v.za.org - All help is greatly appreciated. -/- Oh, and one more thing... The Bytecode included was compiled with JDK 1.2.1, but the results of a javac -release 1.1 Portscan.java produced an identical result, so I assume that the bytecode is friendly to 1.1.x VM's as well.