no doubt your very familiar with the vbs virus scripts that have been going around [S+Z] Mode change "+o LynX" on channel #hack by bambi yes ILOVEYOU i love you too Genius ;) links.vbs heh mypicture.bmp.vbs I made them all [S+Z] Signoff: LynX (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Reaper112))) [S+Z] Signoff: DvD (Ping timeout) could you offer us some code quickly to create an inline MTA independent virus checker that checks inbound and outbound emails and attachements in real time without an significant speed loss in a bulk mail system..? [S+Z] Reaper112 is now known as LynX [S+Z] Signoff: MercEnarY (Ping timeout) stop trying to sound clever [S+Z] MasterX ( has joined channel #hack just by using complicated jargon oh, I'm not doing nething in particular. [S+Z] Signoff: Unit-E (Ping timeout) thats not complicated jargon.. genius - ohh, but jus is clever :) ne1 here thinks its complicated jargon? ok [S+Z] cache ( has joined channel #hack [S+Z] Mode change "+o cache" on channel #hack by ChanServ you connect to on port 110 then you type genius - not really, thats all standard wording :) Username: jus [S+Z] MaYh3m ( has joined channel #hack or whatever it is how odd. then pass and your password if i try to connect to on port 110, nothng happens i'm sorry then exec "C:\mcaffee\viruscheck.exe" i cant take it I just get all these logs in this expensive box called a PIX and it will check it moaning about somin. [S+Z] Mode change "+b Genius!*@*" on channel #hack by Impi [S+Z] Mode change "+b *!*" on channel #hack by Impi [S+Z] Mode change "+b *!*Genius@*" on channel #hack by Impi [S+Z] Mode change "-bbbb *!*Genius@* *!* Genius!*@* *!*" on channel #hack by jus user bwahhahahahaha ah aeh aeh eah ae eahea aeh eaeah ea hehae eha eahae eaeah ehae aehea eaae hea eaae eahae haehea eahae haehea aeh eaeah eaaehae eah eaaeh aeea haea e cache :> its user just man, im gonna die of laughter here :) pass root_or_whatever [S+Z] Mode change "+o LynX" on channel #hack by cache should i kill you first? kill me please dont hurt me ./whois Genius genius - bwahahahah aha he eah ehea are you gay or just plain fucking stupider than amoeba ?? jus is lagging or something like that because of my successfull Denial of Service skills of cors. what the fuck is going on? [S+Z] Sent server ping to [S+Z] No such server to ping: genius - you cant lag a 13 mbit line off a normal line moron :) [ùcacheù] just watch ;) phj34r [S+Z] Sent server ping to [S+Z] Server pong from received in 0.003 seconds [S+Z] Sent server ping to [S+Z] Server pong from received in 0.003 seconds [S+Z] CTCP PING from Stalker ( gee how odd, guys [jus PING reply]: 0 seconds i'm under a millisecond to genius - read this slut [jus PING reply]: 0 seconds Stalker hehehe - genius is about to ping out :) bwahahaha ah heae heha eha eahea ehea ae eh ae:) your windows 3.1 computer is very secure insecure i mean i have nmap for windows i took the C code what? genius - i know my 3.1 windows is secure, since it aint even on a network :) and put it into Borland are u talking about Genius and compiled it and boom i got nmap for windows 95 HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH ok, someoen tell genius some stuff :) Genius is probly gov-boi hahahaah that code wont work straight off :) so then i nmapped i cant watch this nemore *bow* to Genius ahh, someone shoot genius and get over and done with it :) stalker: YOURE ALSO IN RANDBURG! jus - please put him out of his misery :) I wanna meet you what neo - tell genius how far off he is :) Genius : dont count on that genius - your out by about 300 km :) oh ok mweb PoP's are never reliable and I have NukeNabber too make sure noone nukes me jus - can you please just kline this goat sucking whore :) and I do regular netstat check ups [S+Z] Signoff: Genius (Local kill by jus (You are an absolute fucking idiot, please get a life, and a brain with the IQ a BIT more than a rock!)) heh thanx jus :) [S+Z] Window LOG is OFF IRC log ended Fri May 5 21:50