Username: MDMA Password: Welcome to Cha/OS v3.3.3 Last login: Fri May 2 13:00:45 on ttyp1 wyrd:~# cat MDMA-GK.txt GateKeeper Remote Compromise Advisory Released by Wizdumb under MDMA (Motor-Driven Mechanical Androids) The GateKeeper Remote administration port has a remotely exploitable buffer overflow which occurs when it is fed 4810 or more characters. The value that goes into EIP is first loaded into EBP and the address starts getting overwritten at character 4100. EAX points to halfway through the buffer. Ditto for EBX. Ditto for 4 or 9 PUSH's up the stack. The vendor has been contacted and a fix should be available soon. Perhaps MDMA will release some exploit code for this vulnerability on our webpage after that, perhaps not. ;-) Later... Wizdumb .|| || || ||.