Readme for Rasripper By Sigma ------------------------------------------------- So since I allready wrote a lame share password extractor proggy, I decided that I might as well go on and put together a dialup ripper. Some of the code was stolen from code by who stole some code from Davide Moretti. Now what makes this one different from the other 63472 similar programs you can get off the net ? Well, its a console app, which means you could use put it on a stiffy and issue a command like this: a:\>rasripper > a:\passwd.txt That way you could quickly snarf the dialups on a machine without having to mess around with big ugly GUI programs. Source code is included in rasripper.dpr. It should compile under Delphi 3.0 Have fun. Greets: The FK crew; MDMA members and the cool people of #linux on mweb. FUCK YOUs: Stalker - Please grow up and leave my friends alone. Also, realise that it doesn't matter *how* much you hang in #hack, it *won't* make you cool, nor will you learn anything because you clearly have a learning disabilty.