SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE 1: JANUARY 1998* ************************************ By _=The Firestarter=_ ______ ______ _____ __ __ __ __ __ _____ | \ | \ | ___| /\ | | / / | | | \ | |/ ___/ | 0 | | 0 | | |__ / \ | |/ / | | | \ | || | | __/ | __ \ | ___| / /\ \ | |\ \ | | | \| || | __ | | | | \ \ | |___ / /__\ \ | | \ \ | | | |\ | || \__|| |__| |_| \_\|_____|_/ \_\|_| \_\ |__| |_| \__|\_____| _______ ______________ / / |10p | Coins | | / | | |__| | | / |_____|_______| | | | 1 2 3| | | | | 4 5 6| |\/| | | | | 7 8 9| | | | | \ | # 0 *| | | \ |______|______| \_____\ | || | \|___________________| Phreaking is, at a basic level phoneing someone up and giving them abuse of any description. Advanced Phreaking, how ever is more fun and which many people claim to be good at, but how many people do you know will phone up someone and say "I'm coming round your house tonight to set it on fire." True they could probably do it, but they'd either, laugh, hang up, or not say it in a calm disturbed voice. The elite of us here at S.W.A.T don't hang up after we've called someone, we let them hang up, frightened so they are, and are hoping that you hang up. When they do hang up, we ring them back, if (and they very rarely do) pick up the phone at which point you would hang up leaving them to wonder. You see it's quite easy to do once you've got the hang of it. If you want to cause a lot of bother to a person who has an answer phone, wait until they're out and ring them up, now when the answer phone asks you to leave a message, you can do one of two things, 1: Yell abuse 2: Just leave the phone on the side until the answer phone automatically hangs up. 3:repeat step 2. This method is much better because when they get back they would find that there is a message, they press the button and spend an hour listening to a blank cassette. They will then think that there phone is knackered and spend ages trying to work out what's wrong with it. BASIC PHREAKING WITH NO MONEY: 1: Use a reverse charge call, if they accept then just give them a load of abuse. 2: If they don't accept then try again sooner or later the guy will get pissed off and leave his phone off the hook. 3: If they have an answer phone let it pick up your name, say that your name is "Fuck off" USING A DEAD MOBILE PHONE: A dead mobile phone is a mobile phone that is yet to be hooked up, if you press *XXX (XXX being the number) then you can call out, you can only dial a 3 digit number because it is used if you have any problems. You could spend hours bull shitting the operator when she says that she is tracing you ask her where you are, what your name is. you see you are unable to be traced with a Dead mobile phone. 1: Dial *100 and ask for a reverse charge call to whoever then phreak them out. 2: Phreak out the operator.