SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FOUR: APRIL 1998* ************************************* | | | FUN WITH ANONYMOUS MAIL | | -=The Firestarter=- | \________________________________/ Some of you may have noticed that Sneaky mail or Amail is avalible for download in the files libary, you may have even downloaded it. There is loads of fun to be had with this, e.g: 1/ Find your enemies (or schools) e-mail address and send an e-mail to a newsgroup, (Hacking or Phreaking related) saying: Y0 DooDz WhERE CaN i GeT KeWL W@REZ "!$£"£$. Put your victims e-mail address in the box marked "From" and send away you may want to post this to a few newsgroups. 2/ Download 16k-16m from the files libary and unzip it (you will need a large hard drive) now open the file. Select it all and copy it. Now paste it into sneaky mail and send away. (This will work better if your modem can compress data.) 3/ Send an e-mail to your school, with the "From" address as President@Whitehouse.gov say that a pupil (give them the name of a lamer) has hacked into there computer and downloaded top secret data. Tell the school to detain the pupil on a given date, until they can come around and arrest him. 4/ Send bomb threats to your school. 5/ Send insults to people you don't like. 6/ Send an e-mail to somebody and say that by reading this e-mail there computer has contracted a virus which will fuck up there computer in three days time. 7/ Send e-mail from "YoUr WoR$T£ NiGhTmArE" 8/ Send twisted and perverted e-mail to the goverment. 9/ send out chain e-mail with the following message: /\ / \ / /\ \ ___/ /__\ \___ |______________| / / \ \ /_/ \_\ ANARCHY RULES FUCK THE BRITISH GOVERMENT 10/ Send the letter to the goverment. Well I hope that this has helped out.