__ __ __ _________ | | /\ | \/ || __|| \ | | //\\ | || _| | / | |___ //__\\ | |\/| || |_ | \ |_____|/_/ \_\|_| |_||___||_|\_\ LIST By -=The Firestarter=- Here is a list of lamers that I have encountered over my life time, as well as reasons why they're lamers and a list of people that I wish to thank for helping me out in fighting the lamers. Lamer list: Lee Goodwin, it's this lamers fault that I am as twisted as I am. This lamer dosn't know when to quit, he's been beaten up, terrorised, subscribed to every catalouge under the sun, phone phreaked for hours on end (at night), I even had some people distarct him while I slipped through the back door of his house made myself something to eat. This cunt is cruel to his pets, I.E he finds it funny when his dad flushes live gerbils down the toilet, and he hits his cat around the kitchen with a squash racket. I even sent him fake letters saying that he'd be suspended from school. I've been carrying out "attacks" on him for over 5 years now, and I moved away from that area over 3 years ago. Lamer rating: 10/10 <-- The biggest dick around. Julian Butler, This lamer is more of a mummies boy, he isn't hard although he thinks he is, he didn't get elected as a prefect so he wen crying to his head of year (litteraly) until she took pitty on him and gave him a prefect badge. Goose man phoned him up once and said: "hello, Goodbye" and hung up on him, so what does this lamer do, he phones the police. Hell if somebody did that to me I would just tell them to fuck off. Lamer rating: 7/10 <-- This guy gets off likely Scott Bradbury, only for thinking he's cool. Lamer rating: 2/10 Jon Shean, He has a huge nose, thinks he's smart and seems to think that everybodys gay. Lamer rating: 8/10 Alec Naylor, If you say to this lamer that he shags his dad he goes mental. He has a lisp so we call him "Alecth Nayorth thweet and thour pork", he has no friends (literaly) and has never had a girl friend, at lunch he used to stand near people and eat his packed lunch. He was cunning when he did this, he would not stand too close but close enough so that people from a distace would think that he had friends. Lamer rating: 9/10 Shane Skyte, Because he should grow up and stop acting like a 7 year old. Lamer rating: 9/10 Douglas rankin-moore, for being sad at times. Lamer rating: 1/10 Ben lucus, because he's a cock sucking, gay fucking, house shagging bender. Lamer rating: 7/10 Mr. S Carrigan, because this stupid bastard didn't enter me for the electronics exam dispite the fact that my predicted grade was a B, this fucking lamer is thick as fuck. Lamer rating: 10/10 John and Irene from the pub, because they banned us from the pub for nicking the bog roll. Lamer rating: 9/10 Craig wilson, because he sounds like a puff. Lamer rating: 8/10 Peter pilchar, for trying to nick out booze, and being a fucking dick head. Only if he knew what was being planned... Lamer rating: 9/10 Susan (fuck knows what), for thinking that she can fuck us over by spreading rumors. Lamer rating: 8/10 And a list of thaks goes out to the following: (please note these are mostly alias's, if they're reading this then they know who they are) "Monkey" - For helping out with the early version of SWAT magazine, as well being one of my first anarchist partners, and for head-butting julian butler. "Mole" - Yet another anarchistic partner. "Mac" - For helping out with the maps and tactics. "Mental Matty" - For beating up Lee Goodwin and being such a good mate. "Neil the pysco" - For being a laugh. "BB" - For being a good mate and helping out with the RSD around catterick garrison. (as well as the others who's names I have forgotten). "Randall" - For helping me spray the french teacher with ink, as well as other stuff. "Box head" - For helping out with the phreak calls to Lee Goodwin, as well as other anarchistic stuff (that kept him from the lamer list) "Winkle" - The Naypalm making cannibal. "Albert" - A fellow anarchist, keep up the good work. And the many other's including all of the "Mere Rebels" <- Well I don't know what else to call you. And thanks to all the reader of SWAT magazine, who knows maybe one day your name will go on the thanks list.