SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FOUR: APRIL 1998* ************************************* ______________ ___ ___ __________________ / ___________/ / / / / /\ \______ ______/ / /___________ / / / / / \ | | /___________ / / / __ / / / /\ \ | | / / / / / / / / / /__\ \ | | __________/ / / /__/ /__/ / / ____ \ | | /____________/ /_____________/ /__/ \__\ |__| ________ _____ __________ / ______/| __ \ / _______ \ / /______ | | | | / / / / /______ / | | | | / /_______/ / / / | | | | / ________ \ ______/ / | |_| | /__/ \__\ /_______/ |_____/ Random Senseless Destruction DAY Participated by: -=The Firestarter=- Barakis Shadow and Bruise Every easter around the 10th of April, SWATeam members engage in a mad and insane run of destrution, RSD day wasn't too great this year because some members almost got busted, but we didn't let that stop us. Ok, RSD day started at about 11:00am Firestarter and Barakis took a walk to the local visitors center, both ordered a cheese roll and irn bru, Hmm, no ones looking so firestarter put potassium nitrate in the sugar shortly after that they left. Later on they went to a relatives, he lives on a huge estate, so Firestarter and Barakis decided to play a few jokes on him, well they turned off the clocks, then went outside, a pheasant was standing there looking at them, Firestarter thew a glass chemical detanator at it. BOOOOOOM. After that, they returned home and discussed a new box, that will be released as soon as it's compleated. They picked up Bruise and Shadow that night after loads of phreaking they headed off up the road to find some victims, A farmer was opening a gate to get his land rover out of of the field, insults like, "Ooo arr, i'm a farmer" "Got a combine 'arvister" "Orr arr sheep shagger" and many others where said to him, (all in a farmer accent). Off they walked, then they encounted a JCB, Hmm after pissing all over it and stopping the bulbs from working they left, to head off the weather station, Bruise fell off a fence and ripped his trousers to fuck, after setting off a polish flare to see where they where because it was dark they headed through the forest and encounted the weather stantion, shit it wasn't there any more, it looks like years of vandalism had taken it's toll, still they pissed in the overfull rain gauge. Hmm a grey plastic box, lets open it, loads of wires, "Move over" said Barakis as he shoved his knife into the wires cutting a few, "Fuck that" said Firestarter as he produced some wire cutters and cut a few more. They then closed the box and retuned home, they phreaked a bit more, and filled up an answer fone with abuse. Well another offical date over for this year. Fuck that, terror was going to continue for the next few days, the party the next day was cool, Shadow got compleatly pissed and couldn't walk, Bruise fell off a wall and cracked his head off some rocks. The rest you don't want to know about unless your a pervert. After that Firestarter and Barakis spent the next two days pissed on left over booze. As well as wanting to kill a few lamers on a drunken rampage everything went smootly. Typed up by -=The Firestarter=-