SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FIVE: MAY 1998* *********************************** Bin bomb: Explosive By -=The Firestarter=- These things can be simple or complex depending on how technically minded you are, you can make them powerful to blow the bin apart or weak, which are belive it or not more fun. Thing needed: Explosive, you can use plastique or gun powder. Electrical timer, Normal fuse, or Remote detanator. Card board box to put it in. Card board tube, like the middle of a bog roll. Ok 1) Fill the tube with your explosive. 2) Hook up your fuse/detanator. 3) Put it in a box. Now to use it. 1) Find a large metal bin full of rubbish. 2) Move some of the rubbish so that you can get your box into the bottom. 3) Light the fuse or throw the switch. 4) Leave the area. When these things go off, and if you've not made it too powerful then it will blow rubbish every where making a huge mess of the street. It might even ignite it and it will rain fire. Things to do: Make a really powerful one and put it in a dog shit bin, dog turd in every direction. Put them in somebodys wheely bin.