SWATeam Meeting. Date: 9/4/1998 Time: 10:00pm Location: -=Firestarters=- House. Deligates: -=Firestarter=-, Blaster. Points put forward by: -=Firestarter=-, Mental, Blaster. Forword: Each year, just before RSD-day SWATeam hold an offical meeting, the purpouse is to discuss points such as training funding and any such thing that seems relevent. This year the meeting was right after RSD-day, a few points where put forward: Aliases: Gizmo gremlin has become Red Viper. (and since dropped from SWAT) Barakis will be Blasters alias for the magazine. The two girls are now called BitcH and )SOUND(. New members: Bruise. Members that have been dropped: Red Viper and Twisted One. Points: Communication network to be set up, All SWATeam members to be Armed (like we're not already), New members that are training to be pyrotechnitions to be sold cheap chemicals, And we revised the manifesto. Well basically that was it.