SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FIVE: MAY 1998* *********************************** ANARCHY FOR MUSICIANS We have all been in our local music shops and been patronised by the shop assistants have we not ? well I give you a way to get your own back...... By the way if your not a guitarist then don't continue reading because this will seem very boring. First of all go in and ask to try out their loudest amp-70 to 120 watts should do the trik- and then once you have farted around with it on your guitar for a couple of hours turn the master volume up and keep the amp switched off and look at the pickups or something for ten minutes (close to the door) and then as you as you hear the next cunt wanting to try out his guitar AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHH his hearing gets sent to hell and back. BLASTER 97.................