SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIX: JUNE 1998* *********************************** ______________ ___ ___ __________________ / ___________/ / / / / /\ \______ ______/ / /___________ / / / / / \ | | /___________ / / / __ / / / /\ \ | | / / / / / / / / / /__\ \ | | __________/ / / /__/ /__/ / / ____ \ | | /____________/ /_____________/ /__/ \__\ |__| ___ ___ ______ ______ ______ ___ ___ ______ | \ / | /\ / ____| /\ \____ \ |_ _| | \ | | | ___| | \/ | / \ | | / \ / / | | | \ | | | |_ | | / /\ \ | | __ / /\ \ / / | | | |\ \| | | _| | |\/| | / /__\ \ | |__|| / /__\ \ / /__ _| |_ | | \ | | |__ |__| |__| /_/ \_\\_____|/_/ \_\/_____\ |_____||_| \__| |_____| ************************** By: -=The Firestarter=- * and the rest of the South* West Anarchy Team. * From: South West Scotland* ************************** I have made a few changes to the magazine this month and they are here to stay, it's basically the title to each article. As well as that Myself and Barakis have joined Darkcyde communications, they're a phreaking group so you can expect to see a lot more phreaking material. We've also had a few applications from people who want to join. SWAT always welcomes new people, especially those who have skills in what we lack, like carding, hacking etc, So a note to anyone who thinks they have what it takes: Get in contact with us, it doesn't take much to join. Oh and I must say this, please ignore my claim in the last issue about the alt.ph.uk newsgroup, I said that it was a great newsgroup but I was wrong, I'm sure that all of you that read the newsgroups have come across the adverts for Darkcyde communications, well the people in alt.ph.uk don't seem to like them, as a result one of them had hacked there web site. This isn't the only reason why I all of a sudden don't like them I have a few reasons and here they are: 1/ They are very arogent, if someone asks for help they tell them to fuck off and if they post something useful then they either say that they know it or "you shouldn't post stuff like that" 2/ They think that they are elite but they don't prove it, all of this elite stuff is a load of shite, it's really a few little kiddies who claim to know a lot but they stick to there little clique groups and shun anybody whos interested. If we at S*W*A*T where like that then you would have never got hold of this magazine, we believe that everone should have the knowedge that they seek. 3/ I didn't think that they knew very much about h/p topics so I posted a message about wireing a plug in serise with the fone and pluging it in in order to get a free call, well the dumb fucks fell for it, I made it all up off the top of my head, one guy said that he could see how it worked, another wanted more info and finally one guy called Vortex got the hint that it was a joke and told me the answer to my question "How do you wire a plug" although I was going to e-mail bomb him because of what he said but I decided against it. And one final note, I'm sure that readers of PH.UK have heard of a guy called defiant, well he slagged off darkcyde and one d_c member got his address and phone number, to which he gets crank calls at 3:00am in the morning and we insult his mum. So please don't make us do this to you, ok so we do believe in freedom of speech, but don't claim to be something your not. (I sit back and read this while pondering over e-mailing windows 95 to alt.ph.uk) ______________________________________________________________________ | | | Contents | |____________________________________________________________________| |0: Introdution. | |1: Basic gunpowder mixtures. | |2: Lynx bomb. | |3: Black Glycerin. | |4: Crankers guide to pubs. | |5: Chemicaly ignited jar bomb. | |6: Internet Warfare. | |7: Hacking Octel Voice mail. | |8: The Dark art of deception. | |9: The Dark art of Phreaking. | |10: A night on the razz S.W.A.T style. | |11: How to crack and have fun with an answer phone. | |12: Wrap up and disclaimer. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------