*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIX: JUNE 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Chemically ignited jar bomb. | | by -=The Firestarter=- & Red viper | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This little bomb could be very dangerous but it is a right laugh to watch exploding when I did one with a few friends a huge purple flame shot about 10 feet into the air. The bang wasn't all that loud and glass didn't go that far. Here's how I made my one: Materials: Sodium chlorate (Pure)* Charcoal* Sulphur* Sugar* Sodium chlorate weed killer* Potassium permanganate Glycerin Small glass jar (I used an empty potassium permanganate jar) * all of these can be substituted for any low explosive like gun or flash powder. (1) Put your chemicals into the jar and crush them up until they are quite well mixed. (2) remove the lid and place it somewere safe. (3) Put the potassium permanganate on top of the chemicals (try to use large grains for a long delay) (4) Add only one or two drops of glycerin to the potassium permanganate (5) Screw the lid on and run like fuck. 30 seconds to five minutes later it will explode. When I found the shrapnel from this thing it had blown only one side of the jar out, the only thing holding it togeather was the lable, when a friend picked it up he burnt his fingers, it was really hot and it gave off a lot of smoke. I would recommend a safe distance of 150m if you use a big jar, I was 50m away when it exploded, and I was quite safe, but the jar was only small. Red Viper made an even simpler one. Materials: Potassium permanganate. (In a glass jar) Glycerin. (1) Pour about 1 and a half teaspoons of glycerin in the jar with the potassium permanganate. (2) Screw the lid on and leave somewhere, oh nad run like fuck. Red viper made one like this and threw it down a toilet, BOOOOOOM the water went dark purple, water went everywhere, oh and a kid that was nearby shit himself when it exploded. This got him kicked out of school and as far as I know he got done by the police. So remember these magazines are for informational use only, and I accept no responsibility.