*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE SIX: JUNE 1998* ********************************************************************** | .The Dark art of Phreaking. | | by Barakis | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OK first of all this month I want to talk to all you people who have been E-Mailing S.W.A.T. saying that Krank phone calls aren't Phreaking, Well think of it this way, all us folk who have an interest in the phone line -whether we are boxers,people with codes or what- have done Kranks at some point or another because of this interest. It all boils down to the same thing the fact that we use the phone line to promote Anarchy and freedom. The term Phreaking has become to generic anyway to be thought of in such small minded terms I mean Boxers are phreakers ,we dont call them Boxers and make them seperate from the rest of the phreakers do we? If it wasn't for the Krankers (they cant even have a name unless you call them Phreakers) you wouldnt have pissed off operators who didnt do their job properly, you wouldnt have companys WAISTING millions of pounds on trying to stop them. So try not to forget that they cause as much damage to the monopolising scum like BT and AT&T as anyone else so dont knock them. If Anarchists are going to start arguing about names and getting all pedantic what kind of state would that put us into? How could we fight the establishment if we are fighting each other? THINK ABOUT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!