Ok first of all let me brief you on the situation: The Cyberthrill banner on the website is a scam, cyberthrill don't pay. Many people before me have been ripped off, and now I have been ripped off, this causes SWAT's internet expansion to be put back by about a year. Ok, so we'll fight back against this company that is ripping off good people. What we're going to do: I am asking all supporters with internet access to participate in "Operation Cyberkill", I have already done some background research into the Cyberthrill web site, I have the contact addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. I want all members to gather up followers on IRC, newgroups or friends with internet access. We are going to bring cyberthrill to it's knees, we're going to ping, mail bomb, spam and hack the fuck out of cyberthrill. I estimate that a team of around 12 or more people should be effiecent enought to ping cyberthrill to a stand still, although I believe that pinging cyberthrill will be difficult as it appears to have some kind of protection, (I may be wrong, can someone confirm this?). I want all participants to e-mail me and let me know who's doing what, weather it's an e-mail bomb or a ping o' death or both. Recommended programs: Battle pong for pinging and Enima 1.7 or 2.0 for mail bombing. The main targets to go for are the admins mail address, Admin@cyberthrill.com and support, support@cyberthrill.com I recommend that you go for the Admin box. If you are going to ping the server then ping it with 64k of data to slow it down. A successful attack will cause cyberthrill to go down, but even to slow it down will work. Now I very little about hacking servers so if you know anyone that does then get them to hack the server to my "specifications". The date for the attack is yet to be set. If we have enough people then an attack lasting no longer than an hour should be efficent. Get people that are interested in joining us to attack Cyberthrill to email: Xellent55@yahoo.com not the hotmail account, just so that I can keep all of the e-mail seperate. Please shell this out as much as possible to all underground newsgroups and by anyother means. Ok so, mail bombing and ping 'o death is lame but these people must be stopped by any means possible. Lame or otherwise. If you have a T1 line then get back to me ASAP, a 5MB a second ping will kill the server. If you have any comments e-mail me -=The Firestaretr=- at Xellent55@hotmail.com Thanx in advance. P.s Any other means that can be used against Cyberthrill will be appreciated.