*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHT: AUGUST 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Very Basic Bomb. | | By -=The Firestarer=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In my opinion everyone should be able to make a bomb from the resources that they can get there hands on. Now I've never given it much thourgth because I've always been able to get my hands on shit to make bombs and explosives. But then I remembered that not evryone can get there hands on stuff like, Shotgun cartrides or pottasium nitrate. So I've going to give you all instructions on how to make the simplest bomb in the world using materials that we can all get. But I feel that I should warn you that there isn't really any way of timing this device. Sure there will be a delay of at least 5 minutes, but after that who knows? Materials: Bleach, domestos Ammonia <- Get it from Boots the chemist. Methalated spirits, <- Get it from a hardware store. Glass jar with a metal lid, the bigger the better. And a plastic sandwhich bag. (1) Put the bleach in the sandwhich bag and tie it. Leave it for a while to make sure that it isn't going to leak. Wipe it down and wash it. (2) Half fill the jar with ammonia and add about a quarter of a jar full of methalated spirits. The jar should now to 3/4 full, screw the lid on. (3) Now go to your location that you wish cause havoc and destruction. (4) Pop the bag of bleach in the jar and screw the lid on tight. Now vacate the area. Shortly after the jar will explode sending leathal glass shards in all directions and chlorine gas that will kill any unfortunate person that inhales it. Ok so how does it work? Well methalated spirits contain a small amount of petrol that will dissolve plastic, so when the plastic bag dissolves the Ammonia and bleach will mix which generates chlorine gas, when the pressure builds up the glass jar shatters. If you use petrol instead of methalated spirits then don't be suprised if you get killed, I think that the methanol and ethanol will also react with the plastic, but I'm not too sure about that, well since there all solvents they might. REMEMBER: Wipe all finger prints off the jar before you deploy it.