*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHT: AUGUST 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Handy tone dialer tricks. | | By -=The Firestarer=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a little trick I discoverd a few months ago, I use it for vengence extraction. It allows you to call anywhere in the world for free. Yes that's right for free, but theres a catch, you can't talk to them for longer that a milisecond because the phone cut's off. But at least it rings, and thats all that's needed is a tone dialer, I got mine from tandys, well anyway here's what you do! 1) Find one of those old payphones, the rectangular sad looking one's 2) Put your tone dialer to the mouth piece and dial you number. The phone on the other end should ring, as soon as they pick up it'll cut off. Repeat the process for as long as you wish. Use this method for harassing people, but it doesn't work on all of the exchanges, but it seems to work on most of them. You can also use the afore mentioned method on those complimentary taxi phones you get in supermarkets. Only they won't cut you off you'll be able to talk for as long as you wish. Although it does look a bit suspect when you seem to be talking to a taxi company for 20 minutes. This method also works on *some* privately owned payphones that you get in pubs. If you don't own a tone dialer then get one from tandy's, they do two models, one costing £10 and the other £15. You can also get them from maplins costing £5, order code: CK25C