*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHT: AUGUST 1998* ********************************************************************** | Tactical Ansafone Hacking. | | By =The-Doh-Boy= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Got a particular cause about some building you want to stop being built? Want to select which projects your local council pursues? Oh! you do? well read on to find out how. Lets take a concrete example, for instance you didn't much like the millenium dome which that New Labour prick Peter Mandelsohn is building. Well as I mentioned earlier every system has its downfall, and this file will tell you how to abuse one of the greatest fallcies of the government, i.e. beurocracy. Since government is a very non-local phenomenon, communication between each node is essential. What do we phreakers know how to control? communication systems. In particular government departments are bound to use ansafones for trivial communication purposes like "Hey Peter! The builders are on strike" e.t.c. Supposing you hacked the ansafone and deleted messages, this would slow down the project and increase expenditure upon it. Then at the monthly spending review the chancellor looks at the report and says "This projects eating up our money and its not going anywhere, obviously its not cost effective, scrap it!" and your mission to stop said project is complete. "Use it wisely my friend"-H. Simpson =The-Doh-Boy=