*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE EIGHT: AUGUST 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Getting Credit Card numbers. | | By -=The Firestarer=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I continue with this article I would like to thank Sintax of Darkcyde communications for showing me this. Ok, to do this you will have to know how to hack an answering machine. If you've read the files on answer maching hacking you should have some idea on how to do it. This method is the easyist to do with little or no risk to yourself, it's better that social engineering the number or trashing and nobody gets suspisious. Ok now go down to your local newsagents and pick up a porn mag or copy of the sport. Now turn to the section where they sell porn videos, vibrators and stuff. Ok take note of the number. Now call this number out of hours, around 8:00pm is the best time. Now if an answer machine picks up and says something like the following: "Sorry the office is now closed, please leave your credit card number, expirey date and the name of the products you wish to order we'll dispatch them ASAP" or something along those lines. Ok now try to hack the machine, I won't go into details here, as answer machine hacking is easy to do. Once your in take note of all the details about the person, there name, card number, expiary date, address etc and thats it, easy huh!