*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINE: SEPTEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .How to SERIOUSLY get someone in the shit. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, this file will deal with getting people into trouble and annoying them. It won't exactly give you a step by step guide, but it will list many ways to embaress, harass, annoy and get your enemies into trouble. Read on: 1) When there not in break into there house and dial up a GAY 0891 porn line, leave the phone on the side for 10 minutes then hang up. (Or any overseas sex line, make it the kind thats difficult to explain to there parents or BT) 2) Fill in those dating agency adverts for them and send them off. 3) Card 900 pot plants, blow up sheep, my little pony, rubber dicks or a computer to there house. (Use you imagination) 4) Call BT and say that you got a load of nuisence calls from them. 5) Call 151 and say theres a fault with your phone (give them there number) 6) Break into there house and plant a load of dope or crack, then call the police and say that there a drug dealer. (a planted shotgun also works) 7) Fax back attack there house at around midnight, or set up tone loc to set up a fax back attack to there number and leave your computer on all night. 8) Get into there garage, if they have pieces of drain pipe make a pipe bomb out of it and blow up a phone box, remember to wear gloves. (The pipe will have there finger prints on it) 9) Get someone to distract them at the front door while you slip in the back and piss on the carpet, or shit in the fridge. 10) Get some insulation foam and insulate there outlet pipe for the sink, while your at it fill up there tumble drier outlet pipe. 11) Break into there house and harass someone using there phone line. 12) Borrow there car number plates, steal a car thats identical, put there plates on the car and run a few red lights and "show off" to the speed cameras. After your fun, replace there number plates. 13) Tell the police they've got child porn films. 14) Get a mail forwarder from there house to a PO box, after reading there mail censor out all of the important bits with a magic marker and return it. 15) Buy a bottle of coke, stick some LSD in it and offer them a drink. 16) Call up one of those 0891 chat lines and leave there number. 17) Post there FULL name and address to all of those child porn newsgroups saying your selling videos and pictures. (It won't be long before the police visit him, and he gets loads of request from fuckwits all over the world) 18) Call up the NSPCC and ask for help, as your (there) parents give you a "good kicking" every so often. 19) Advertise there house as a brothal in all of your local phone boxes, ask clients to come around 10pm. 20) Place an advert in "free ad's" selling some really hi-tech stuff at a really low price. 21) A few days before they go on holiday buy a couple of pet mice (both sexes), put them in a box together for a night or two and when your enemy goes on holiday, carefuly pop the mice through there letter box and just hope that they're away for a few weeks. 22) Tell BT that you saw them beige boxing and they showed you how to red box (Tell them there address.) 23) (Serious people only) Stick a large gas cylinder in there shed then put a load of cardboard or old carpet in there, then at around midnight fire bomb it, run away and listen for the explosion. or 24) (Again serious) Make the biggest pipe bomb you've ever made (about 3 feet long with nails and about 10-30kg of explosive) and blow up there gas tank, remember to set fire to stuff around it so that the gas lights.