*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINE: SEPTEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .The demise of a Dick called the Holy Blob. | | By Brakis | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- One night I was at a DarkCyde Conference with some of the Best guys in Phreaking namely Syntax,Loco,Red Led,Extreme uk and Firestarter. We were on a bit of a lamer destroying run we had just done over some guy called defiant. Syntax informed me that he had been E-Mailed by the Holy Blob asking him some really fuckwit style questions thing like. "I am going to open up one of those green boxes in the street which obviously means free phone calls, can you tell me any cool numbers to call ?" So we called him up and got him into severe shit........... it went like this. ME: "Hello my name in John Mckormack and I am the chief of BT security for St Helens and we have reason to believe that someone in your household is involved in illegal telecommunications activities" Bloke on phone: "excuse me ?" ME: "Are you aware of terms such as Boxing,Phreaking and Hacking" BOP: "Er no !" ME: "Do you have internet access ?" BOP: "Yes I do Im on compuserve" ME: "do you go by the name of the Holy Blob" BOP: "No but my son does" ME: "Well then in that case your son is guilty of telcommunications fraud" BOP: "Eh you what" ME: "Your son has been tapping phones,boxing and using other illegal methods to defraud BT" BOP: "I see" ME: "This is a very serious matter and we are willing to let it slide this time but if it happens again we will have to press charges and the minimum penalty for this is 12 years imprisonment" BOP: "OK then I can assure you that I will take this matter up with my son as soon as he gets up and will be severely punished, I promise you of that." ME: "Thankyou sir" The next day the holy Blob was on the newsgroup saying how he was such an elite phreaker who was wanted by BT. so if your reading this blob it was all an illicit hoax designed to show you up for the lame fuckwit that you are..........