*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINE: SEPTEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Car bombs. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all this is not going to be like those lame american car bomb files, like "drano in a 35mm film can stuck in the fuel tank" this file is going to be how to build a REAL car bomb, one that explodes when it car either starts or moves. Again it's not like the american ones which involves cutting wires to the car battery, this one only takes seconds to place. Materials: 2-5 Co2 canisters Black powder (or flash powder) 9v battery Trembler switch (You can also use a mercury tilt switch) Wire Solar igniter (from rocket engines) Magnets or double sided tape. (I recommend magnets) LED 1) Fill the Co2 canisters with black/flash powder 2) Hook up the battery with the trembler switch and LED, Hook this up to the solar igniters. Diagram: 9v ---------------Switch----LED--------====Igniters |______________________________________| 3) Put the igniters into the Co2 canisters (hook up the igniters in PARALLEL) 4) Stick the canisters together side by side. Ok here's what it should look like: ______ _______ (______=------------------LED---Switch------[ 9v | (______=------------------------------------[_______| ______ (______ is a Co2 bomb. Now attach magnets to the Co2 bombs, and put the "circuit" in a ciggarett box, glue a magnet to the top of the box. Ok this is basically your car bomb ready to be placed, but don't transport you bomb in this state it WILL explode remove the battery. Placing: 1) Find the fuel tank of the car. 2) "Stick" your Co2 bombs 10cm apart to the fuel tank and place the cigarette box anywhere you can, ideally out of site. 3) Now, make sure that the trembler switch or mercury tilt switch is OFF and clip in the battery, a good way to test is to remove the solar igniters and touch the wires togeather, it the LED lights up then it is live, if not, hook it up and get out of there. How it works: When the car starts up it will "shake", this will set off the trembler switch, thus blowing up the Co2 bombs, a mercury tilt switch will depend on how you adjusted it, work that one out for yourself. Ok, so the Co2 bombs should be powerful enough to puncture the fuel tank, if not then use a more powerful explosive (RDX), and ignite the petrol which will in turn blow the car up (the fuel tank will explode). You can add either magnesium or aluminium powder to the mixture to make it more likely to ignite anything near it, like petrol.