*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINE: SEPTEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | **How to obtain an anonymous Net Account** | | By Neo_Raven13 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem with carrying out 'underground' activities on the net is that there is always the possibility that you could be traced by your IP address to your ISP. Then your ISP will disable your account and possibly give your details to the authorities depending on what you did. You probably had to give out your real details when signing up for the service didnt you? There is now a very simple way to obtain an anonymous account..... Basically what I am talking about is the new, free ISP, X-stream. point your web browser to X-stream.com and click the sign up button. You will then be asked for your details. On an ordinary isp you would be screwed because you would have to put your real details because they run checks, the reason being that they want to make sure that you are who you say you are so that they get paid. However because this is free, the same checks arent performed, so you can put any old shit in. Call yourself Jack Daniels or something :-) . Once you have entered your chosen bullshit, it will ask you to dload the software. Do this and install it. When you get to the setup bit, select the required dial up number and in the box that says "dial this to access an outside line" put '141' . This will prevent the call from showing up in a '1471' trace. X-stream offers local call access in a few places in the country and are supposed to be expanding. Anyhow, you will be able to connect and do what you like. If they do catch you out then all they can do is close the account. After all there not going to be able to do much about prosecuting "Jack Daniels at Bollocks Avenue" are they? And then you just open another account. :-) There is one annoying thing with this method that I think could be sorted out somehow. X-stream puts an annoying banner ad at the top of the screen which im sure could be de-activated somehow. If anyone finds a way to sort this then it would be good if they shared this with everyone. Neo_Raven13