*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE NINE: SEPTEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Red Boxing With A Tone Dialler. | | by =The-Doh-Boy= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Your probably wondering why I love banging on about tone diallers so much, well I just think that they're one of the handiest things in my kit. They are quite versatile. One of the many uses I have found for these things is red boxing. I'm sure you have read in the early editions of SWATeam Magazine how to red box (i.e. call the operator and pulse the tones down when asked for money). I have found that lugging a tape recorder about is a touch inconvenient, not to say suspicious looking too. So I use my tone dialler. On my particular model, when you push two buttons on the same row or column it emits a single (not a dual) tone. The bottom row's tone is 941Hz. Which is close enough to fool the operator into thinking its a red box. You have to hold another button which is not on the row in order to mute it. Good timing is essential, and learning what the real tones sound like is good too. If the operator gives you hassle then tell her you put the money in and she'll let you talk. The principle I always go by is that if they do give you hassle then mess up the coin slot and key pad, and dial fault reporting beforehand, so they don't have any reason to question you ("It was like this when I got here" e.t.c.) Have fun and you can always reach me at Babel86@Hotmail.com