*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TEN: OCTOBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .SAS Type stun grenade. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (I took this from the VERY first editions of SWAT magazine, I think that this was the best article of the lot, before I re-released them in January this year.) OK first of all let me say that a stun grenade DOSN'T knock someone out, it just confuses them for about 45 seconds, they are also called Flash Bangs, because they flash and they bang, in order to get the bang you have to use mercury fulminate so we'll skip that part and substitute it for black powder (just get out of fire works). Materials: Magnesium, Get a few flint strikers with magnesium blocks attached Black powder Smarties tube Fuse Piece of tube about 1cm in diameter Step one: First file away all of the magnesium blocks so that your left with enough powder to almost fill the smarties tube. Step two: Now put the black powder in side the tube and block the end up with tape. Step three: Put the tube down the middle of the smarties tube, and insert a fuse into the black powder filled tube. That's it to use it just light the fuse. What happens: Well the black powder explodes and sends the magnesium powder every where, it then ignites it and a brilliant white flash is released stunning every body in the room. Cool eh?. (Not bad for one of my FIRST pyro articles)