*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TEN: OCTOBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Chargecard Details And Access Guide. | | By =The-Doh-Boy= | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In this months issue I promised phree calls. And like the honest guy I am heres the details. (Sadly the card number died after BT got suspisious of several hundred pounds worth of calls in a few days) Account Number: ???????? Pin Number: ???? Access Guidelines. To access it from the U.K., go to a payphone and dial 144. When prompted enter the above numbers. Then enter the number you want to call. From outside the U.K. get a US outdial and dial 18004455667 and follow the same procedure. If you can't get a US outdial then call your local telco and ask them how you can access a B.T. Chargecard from your country. Precautions. DO NOT UNDER PAIN OF DEATH CALL HOME OR ANYONE WHOM YOU THINK COULD GET BUSTED BY CALLING THEM. DO NOT CALL THE ACCESS NUMBER FROM HOME, AND IF POSSIBLE NOT THROUGH AN EXTENDER, COZ WE KNOW A GUY WHO DID AND GOT BUSTED Disclaimer. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CALLS YOU MAKE USING THE ABOVE INFO, I ALSO DENY ANY LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY OF YOUR CRIMINAL USAGE OF THE ABOVE INFO. IF SOMEONE FROM THE GESTAPO CALLS YOU, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SWAT OR =THE-DOH-BOY= OR ANY OTHER MEMBER OF SWAT. IF WE FEEL YOU HAVE GIVEN INFORMATION WHICH RESULTS IN A BUST OR ANY OTHER HASSLE, MARK MY WORDS, SWAT WILL COME FOR YOU! WE WERE NICE ENOUGH TO GIVE YOU THE INFO AND IF ANYONE TELLS THE GESTAPO THEN WE WILL NOT DO THESE KIND THINGS FOR OUR READERS IN THE FUTURE, GOT THAT!!!! Now that I've disposed of any of these responsibilities I'd just like to say that I hope you have a laugh at FB's expence and if you can, send the details of the calls made to thedohboy@hotmail.com, if you can go through anonymiser or use someone elses net account for this then that would be great. I don't want you to get traced!!! I personally have no account of my own and so this won't bother me too much, but for those with their own IPs I would rather you were safe.