*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE ELEVEN: NOVEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Back orifice. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yep everyones talking about it. So I figured that I would jump on the bandwagon so to speak. Well sort of. For thoses of you who don't know back orifice allows you to gain access to a windoze computer that has the trojan installed. If any of you don't have a copy then shame on you, there are sites on the FOTW that have it, so click on the "Fringe" banner on the web site and look for it there. Ok so what do ou do once you've got the program? well my favorites is to scan IP addresses for computers running it, IP's like 195.245.45.* (not a real IP I made it up) and you can usually find a computer or two that is vunrable. Ok so let's assume that you've got access to a computer, first thing's first you click on the "log" button in the bottom left corner, not get all of the passwords from the computer, don't bother to write anything down as you can view them later. I would now go for system information. Now if you can get it to share there C drive then do that (personally I can't get it to do this) once you've done that you can have a real look around. But what if you want to target a victim? well send them the file, or better yet I have created auto installing files with Eschalon setup pro that install a few trojans onto there computer using a batch file. I usualy tell them that the program is an e-mail hacking proggy and it looks genuine until it get's to the final stage and the trojans are installed. Anyway once you done that and your sure that they've run the program it's time to go in for the kill, just wait around for them to come online and get into there system, I like to create a file in thw windows directory so that I can ID the computer as the one my victim is using (use the setup program for this). Now it's time to wipe them out. (This is where all the hackers flame me) Spawn c:\command.com, on a port, I use port 123 but any will do. Now using telnet goto there IP on port 123 (or which ever you choose) now type in del c:\*.* y A few seconds later all of the stuff in the C directory has been removed. Now no mater how much I try I can't get it to format, so I enter: Deltree c or something to that effect and then keep on pressing "Y" this will totaly erase there hard drive. Now just reboot there computer (if it's still working). There you have it, a sucessful DoS attack and one that requires no skills to do. Remeber to get all of there passwords from there system and fuck them over big time. Ok so what else can you do? well I must admit that there is little that you can really use it for short of annoying people and getting even. but it is a good tool to play about with, please don't go around killing hard drives all over the place, just experiment. (I have never claimed to be an elite hacker, and I make up my own "ethics" to suit me.)