*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE ELEVEN: NOVEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Finding people. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding people can be extreamly easy, or it can be extreamly difficult. There are many ways in which you can go about doing it, some of the methods described here may not work on your target but others will. Method 1: From there phone number. Let's assume that some lamer gives you crank calls, now why would we want to go running to BT when we can find them and extract vengence in out own way? now you'd be suprised the ammount of crank callers that DON't dial the 141 prefix, so try 1471, if they with held there number then your fucked, Brakis has software to get around this problem, I'll upload it to the file library when I get it off him, probably be in a few months though. Ok so we'll assume you have there number but what if it's a PBX? well dial up the oparator and ask her/him what the 0800 number is for that, when you get it (assuming that there is an 0800 number for it) you'll probably find out that it's a meridian mail system, (read doh-boys file) now hack out a box on the sysem and use the outdial to the extent that it gets diabled. Ok so this doesn't help out much but they will have to find another way to call you. If they really hate you they will probably dial direct to your house. Hey presto, you have there number. Now to find there address, BT aren't very helpful here, but www.192.com is, so card a few units on there and do a reverse look up. If your not into carding then a bit of social engineering comes in handy here, try some thing along the lines of: "Hello, is john there?" Assuming that they're not called john they'll say no and go on about a wrong number, just give them a generic address (1 somerset close for example) that you think you've called. They'll say that it's not that address and probably hang up, ring back a few minutes later and tell them that you checked with the oparator and that there house is 1 somerset close. Then ask them if it isn't 1 somerset close then where is it. Most of the time they'll fall for it and you'll get there address, if not then scan a range of pagers and page loads of people there home number. (It might help to box calls to pagers they cost a lot to ring) Then suddenly they've got loads of calls to there house. Ok so let's assume you've got there address, it might only be there street address but it's enough, next call up either give the post office a ring and get there post code or like doh-boy did then call interflora. Now you'll have there address and post code (if you need any more of the address then call the operator as they can give out this information) Now you've got there address and phone number, feel free to do what the hell you like to them. Method 2: From there E-mail or Web site. This is slightly more difficult, and it isn't always effective, but as long as there not the security concious it should be quite easy. Ok different sites and e-mail (I mean ones like hotmail etc.) have different login procedures, so there is no real way to hack them all. But we have been blest with the program Wwwhack (search the net), now unless they've got a really long password or one which isn't in the dictionary then they can be hacked. Simply run the program on there e-mail or web site account and if your lucky then you'll get in pretty quick (I say lucky as the programs not really all that good, but it works). Ok once your in just have a look at they're personal information, you should find information to trace them from there. Method 3: Just them. simply follow/stalk them until you get to there house, then make a note of the name and address, give 192 a call and get there phone number. Method 4: Damn there ex-directory. Fear not, there is ways around this, but it is VERY HARD. Only the police can give out ex-directory numbers no matter how good a social engineer you are you will not get it out of the oparator, But I have found ways around this. Ok i'll assume that they go to collage and work part time stacking shelves in Tesco. Find out which Tesco they work at and give it a call, do a lot of bullshitting saying that your the police/doctor/or any other important profession. Tell them that you need there number for whatever reason. (I'll leave that bit up to you). If they're dumb then they'll fall for it. If not call back later and ask if they've got the right number (pose as someone close to him or something), they'll probably ask a few questions, now you have a few possible things to say: 1 "Which number do you have there?" 2 "My numbers 01xxx xxx-xxx, what is it that you've got down there?" 3 "Did my mother call and give you my new number.... what is the number you've got down there." or something similar. If Tesco fails to help then call there Collage and repeat the process. You can use this technique to get there occupation from a phone number, call 192 and use a similar technique (pose as the victim) and ask if they've got down your new occupation, they'll probably ask you what it is, just make something up. If they say they don't know then ask them what it is that they've got down. Basically ask questions.