*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE ELEVEN: NOVEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Using relays in time bombs. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I suppose some of you must have asked yourself at some point, "I can't be arsed to make a 555 timer circuit, can't I use a normal stop clock?" well the answer is: "yes you can", but if you up the voltage to 9v then there is a good chance something will go wrong. This is where you will need a relay. Basically a relay is a small electromagnetic switch which requires a small amount of voltage to throw it, it can then allow a larger current to flow through it. Ok first off get a relay, they cost a few pence from maplins, while you are ordering it, buy a 9v battery and a clip for it and anyother items you think you will need. Your relay should have 8 legs on it, then should be paired like this: 0 0 (row 1) 0 0 (row 2) 0 0 (row 3) 0 0 (row 4) (a view of the underside) Ok if you put a current through the legs on row 2 then the relay should start to click. This should throw the switch to allow current to travel through row 4, Use a bulb and a battery to test this, remember that the relay is the switch. Now get you stop clock (or watch, pager, mobile phone or anything else that can give off an audioable signal when you want it to) and open it up. You should see a small speaker. VERY carefully unsolder or cut the wires going to it and attach them to row 2 on the relay. Now set off your chosen device, you should hear the relay click. If you hook up your 9v battery and detonator (or whatever) to row 4 then allow the alarm to go off, the detonator (or whatever) should go off. Here's a very basic schmatic. Watch=====================Relay row 2 Relay row 4-------9v battery----detonator |__________________________________| Get the idea. Ok so now you can hook up a detonator to almost any circuit, you can litterally set off a bomb and be on the other side of the world, just use a pager or a mobile phone (if using a pager then cancel services that you can get paged to you). Also if using a mobile phone, use one of those pre-pay ones and don't give anyone the number, the last thing you want is to get blown up because somebody wanted to tell you that there's a party on somewhere. Always test the circuit before you use it just incase there is a problem with it etc.