*SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWELVE: DECEMBER 1998* ********************************************************************** | .Napalm cannon. | | By -=The Firestarter=- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn'y come up with this, I read another file on it. I've just made a few modifications to the design. Basically this is a cannon that launches a load of burning napalm at a target, probably good for burning down your local co-op. You will need: 1 meter pipe, 5cm in diameter and 0.5cm thick with an end cap 1-2 table spoons of fine black powder 1 or 2 Jet-X motor engines (from your local model shop) Thick cardboard (same diamer as the pipe) Wax candal Napalm Drill Fuse or electrical igniter. 1) Screw the end cap onto the pipe, you will need to drill a hole into the end, insert the fuse and seal it with wax. 2) Add your fine black powder, it should be as fine as talc powder. Now add your jet-X engines, the engines must be whole as they are what ignite the napalm. 3) Push the cardboard down the tube. The card should serve as a barrier between the black powder and the napalm which will go in next. 4) Seal the cardboard down with wax, basically you want to melt the candal and pour it all down the tube to make sure that it's well and truly sealed. 5) Get your napalm, this is just polystyrene dissolved in petrol. Ok now the type of napalm depends on what you want. Thick napalm will basically burn for ages and will look like a comet as it exits the cannon. Thin naplam will not burn as long and will look like a huge fireball. Thin napalm won't fly as far as it will burn up quicker. You can use just petrol as ammo, but this is only for very short range. 6) Pur the napalm down the tube, add about 30cm of napalm. 7) Get another piece of cardboard and shove it down the barrel, add some tissues etc, this is just to make sure nothing spills out. Now go to the location where you want to cause havoc, I'll just assume that you will go to a field to test it out. Using it: You will need: Your loaded cannon Lighter or matches Rocks or something heavy. 1) Prop up your cannon with rocks, adjust the elevation to what you require. Also put loads of rocks around the base where the gunpowder is incase the pipe isn't strong enough to withstand the explosion. 2) Light the fuse, I recommend that you use either a long fuse or a long delay, if you only have a small firework fuse then make a cigarette delay, read the cookbook. 3) Run like fuck 4) Watch as a fucking huge ball of fire flys towards it's target and burns it to the ground. So what happens? Ok you should all know the basics of a cannon, the expanding gasses force the cardboard out, this pushes the napalm out of the barrel. The fine black powder will burn up in a second, this is why we added the jet-x engines, they will burn for a few seconds, once they exit the barrel they will be like small fire balls and the chance that they won't ignite the napalm is very slim. If in doubt add a few more jet-x engines.